Digital Transformation, Code Halos, Analytics and Mobility

A retailers' mantra throughout history has been location, location location.  This is always important, but perhaps of less value than other innovations caused by digital transformations today. The ongoing digital transformation of many industries has created new competitive playing fields that are increasingly related to data.  The winners are those that can more quickly collect, analyze, report, make data driven decisions and capture value from the data.

The data that surrounds customers, partners, companies and individuals is called "code halos™" by my colleagues at the Center for the Future of Work in their new whitepaper Code Rules.  It is their analysis that companies that understand and manage code halos most effectively will be the winners in their industries.

Let me paint two scenes for you.

1) A brick and mortar retail operation is located on Main street, advertises in the local newspaper and via the Yellow Pages.  Greets their anonymous customers at the door with a cheerful "hello" and waves goodbye when they purchase their products from the store.  The store does not know or track their customers' names, preferences or the products they purchase.

2) A brick and mortar retail operation recognizes the value of being on Main street, but also in having a strong web and mobile presence, tracking their customers via loyalty and opt-in online/mobile marketing campaigns and providing customized experiences and marketing that meet the preferences of each individual customer based on collected and analyzed data.  As a result, they have mobile apps, websites and enable customers to document their preferences, likes and favorites.  Each customer has an account that enables the retail store to see their personal details and track their purchases, interests and buying habits, etc.  The retailer analyzes the data, and then provides a customized and personal buying and marketing experience for them.

This is a simple illustration of the differences in how retail companies may engage their customers before and after they recognize the value of code halos.  Store number 2 recognizes that each customer has a code halo of data about their demographics, buying habits, history, preferences, neighborhoods, lifestyles, etc.  Store number 2 collects the data and uses the data to improve their marketing and customer engagements, while store number 1 does not.  Which store do you think is going to be more competitive?  I believe store number 2.

In most military organizations today, they believe the effective use of data or the "Fifth Dimension" of warfare is critical.  The first four dimensions are land, sea, air and space.  Recently the fifth dimension has been added to emphasize that organizations and nations must now learn to effectively use data defensively and offensively in times of conflict.  Military organizations, much like companies in the commercial sector, must now compete in the fifth dimension and the management of code halos.

Recognizing the importance of code halos and the fifth dimension of warfare is not enough, however.  Organizations must employ what is called a "logistics of information" systems capable of supporting a competitive environment.  This is not easy.  Store number 1 mentioned earlier does not have a code halo strategy or the logistics of information system in place to be competitive.  They are not even capable of putting a team on the field.

What must be included in order to successfully employ an effective "logistics of information" system that can process and utilize code halos?  Let me list a few:
  1. Effective data collection strategies - often in the form of mobile apps, loyalty programs and online commerce sites that enable a customer to opt-in to various programs, campaigns, preferences and deals.  This is how you begin to add to and harvest useful data from your customers' code halos.
  2. The ability to recognize a unique customer, their code halos and to cater to their preferences and customize their marketing and buying experiences based on analyzed data.
  3. The ability to recognize patterns, find meaning and to spark new ideas and innovation by analyzing multiple code halos is valuable.  Here is an example - Store number 2 recognizes that a sub-set of their customers' all share similar code halos - product preferences, lifestyles, demographics and buying habits.  Store number 2 also has visibility into the code halos of their suppliers' products, brands and target customer profiles.  As a result, Store number 2 can introduce new marketing campaigns and products that very closely align with the preferences and tastes of their individual customers and sub-sets of customers.
  4. Following each marketing campaign or program roll-out, the data is analyzed and optimized to improve precision and future results. 
These four steps require an effective "information logistics" system.  Do you have it?

Kevin Benedict, Head Analyst for Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud (SMAC) Cognizant
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Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and SMAC analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

What Does Research Say is the Competitive Advantage of Data?

The explosion of mobile devices, e-commerce and "The Internet of Things" is introducing massive amounts of new data into our ecosystem.  Some companies ignore this data for all but the most tactical explorations, but others are revolutionizing entire industries by recognizing the value of this data and taking advantage of it.

My colleague, Ben Pring, has been conducting a lot of research this year on the impact of business analytics, big data and other fast emerging business strategies on a company's ability to compete.  In this guest post Ben shares his latest findings.

What one key characteristic separates today’s high-flying outperformers – such as Apple, Google, Amazon, Netflix and Pandora – from fast-followers, wannabes, and laggards? It’s a precision focus on the information that surrounds people, organizations, products and processes – what we call Code Halos ™ – to build new business and commercial models. These leading companies have realized that the data – or Code Halo – that accompanies people, organizations and devices contains a richness of business insight that far outstrips the value of physical assets that have historically underpinned market leadership. Conversely, companies that have missed or misunderstood the Code Halo phenomena are now struggling to cope in markets that are moving at warp speed; some, in fact, have already succumbed.

We are in the early stages of an exciting and important new era in which Code Halos radically reshape the rules of business competition. Built on the SMAC Stack ™ (social + mobile + analytics + cloud technologies), Code Halos are being harnessed to help enterprises advance from old-world industrial models (premised on physical assets) to new structures informed by by digits.  Our study of Code Halos, in fact, reveals a new “crossroads” that businesses across industry must navigate to achieve sustained market prosperity and avoid what we call an “extinction event.”

From Personal to Business Code Halos

Each one of us is creating our Code Halo with every click or swipe of our phone, tablet, laptop, Glass, Nest, FuelBand, dashboard, or other smart device. Every transaction we make, every “like” we record, every preference we note, is building a digital fingerprint of who we are and what makes us tick. Our Code Halos, which have been building and deepening as more and more of our lives have become digitized, contain a multiplicity of attributes that reveal our likes, dislikes and behaviors, from recommendations of  great new books to  personalized radio stations that play our favorite  songs, many of which haven’t left their CD cases for a million years.

The Code Halos that exist around individuals are unlocking incredible new value for all of us and for the companies that we do business with.  But the Code Halo story doesn’t end in the consumer world. More and more smart companies are realizing that the concept of Code Halos isn’t confined to (relatively) simple B2C activities, such as book selling or online music. Instead, they’re recognizing that their very organizations have a Code Halo and that within their organizations they have hundreds, thousands, millions of Code Halos, made up of every digital interaction with every smart device they touch across “the Internet of Things”  (all of which of course have their own Code Halos).

This realization is sending profound shock waves through board rooms, as forward-thinking business and technology leaders begin to see the impact that the management – or mismanagement of Code Halos – has on corporate fates. In fact, many are now coming to grips with Code Halo intersections and how they can impact every meaningful aspect of their business operations, from design, to production, to selling, to talent management.

Winning in the New Code Rush

Whether it be the hipster in San Francisco using Square Wallet on his morning latte run or the engineering conglomerate getting its turbines to Tweet or the Singaporean government establishing its homeland as a “living analytics” test bed, the leverage of Code Halo thinking is making businesses big and small think about how the code they generate can collide with the code generated by other people, devices, and organizations. And, perhaps more importantly, how this data can be mined to create new products and services that are genuinely innovative.

To learn more about Code Halos, download our white paper at

Ben Pring co-leads Cognizant’s Center for the Future of Work. He joined Cognizant after spending 15 years with Gartner as a senior industry analyst researching and advising on areas such as cloud computing and global sourcing. Prior to Gartner, Ben worked for a number of consulting companies including Coopers & Lybrand. His expertise in helping clients see around corners, think the unthinkable and calculate the compound annual growth rate of unintended consequences has brought him to Cognizant, where his charter is to research and analyze how organizations can leverage the incredibly powerful new opportunities that are being created as new technologies make computing power more pervasive, more affordable and more important than ever before. Ben graduated with a degree in philosophy from Manchester University in the UK. He can be reached at
Kevin Benedict, Head Analyst for Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud (SMAC) Cognizant
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Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and SMAC analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

SMAC Expert Series: Paul Roehrig and Ben Pring

How does big data impact companies today?  How are companies competing on the use of business intelligence?  What business transformations and business model changes are taking place due to these capabilities?  Watch this interview that I recorded with Cognizant's Co-Directors of the Center for The Future of Work, Paul Roehrig and Ben Pring as they share their latest research with us.  Enjoy!

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Kevin Benedict, Head Analyst for Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud (SMAC) Cognizant
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Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and SMAC analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Mobile Expert Video Series: Florian Ganz

In this short video interview with mobility expert Florian Ganz, recorded in Lisbon, Portugal last week, I ask his opinions on how to select the most appropriate mobility platforms, cloud mobility and when to use HTML5.  Enjoy!

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Kevin Benedict, Head Analyst for Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud (SMAC) Cognizant
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Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and SMAC analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Gartner's Latest Thoughts on Enterprise Mobility and SMAC

ClickConnect Europe 2013
I had the good fortune to attend a session this morning at ClickSoftware's ClickConnect Europe 2013 with Gartner's Research Director Dr. Richard M. Marshall.  Here are some of the notes I took from the session:

  • By 2017 Microsoft will sell as many mobile operating systems as Apple.  This is a bold prediction, but Gartner insists their projections are on track.
  • Enterprise collaboration tools will be the source of "huge" productivity gains.
  • By 2017 82% of handsets shipped will be smartphones
  • Mobile security, mobile device management and mobile app management are only going to get more complex.  Recognize how each additional app adds to the complexity and develop a strategy now that will keep the TOC manageable.  No wonder the MDM (mobile device management), MAM (mobile application management) and EMMP (enterprise mobile management platform) vendors are getting all the investor attention this year.
  • The Internet of Things (IoT) is a big deal.  Smartphones will be the end-points of choice for the connected device data.  Smartphones will enable you to view the meaning of connected device data and to act on it.
  • Gartner is using a new phrase at this conference - The Nexus of Disruptive Forces (social, mobile, information and cloud).  They added the term "disruptive" for added emphasis.  I agree.
  • The more people that work virtually or are remote and mobile, the more important it is to have social bonding between employees through collaboration tools.
  • Gartner is also talking about different technology layers in an IT environment moving at different "paces" of change.  The system of record may have a very slow pace of change, but the top "Innovation" layer may evolve and change at a very fast pace.  This "Innovation" layer is well suited for mobile solutions and cloud based apps.  Having different paces, however, requires each layer to be abstracted from the other to permit different paces of change.  This is a good way to think about technology stacks and how to design and develop your IT infrastructure.

Kevin Benedict, Head Analyst for Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud (SMAC) Cognizant
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Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and SMAC analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Connecting the Dots Between Enterprise Mobility and IoT

Lisbon, Portugal
I had the privilege of having breakfast with Dr. Moshe BenBassat, Founder/CEO of ClickSoftware, on a deck overlooking the Mediterranean this morning.  Over an English breakfast, Dr. BenBassat shared that back in 1985 his team had developed software tools to diagnose equipment for the military.  It seems two thirds of all parts replaced were unnecessary.  The parts were being replaced in an effort to find and fix a problem without having first properly diagnosed it.  His team was tasked with designing an artificial intelligence system to process and analyze data in order to properly diagnose problems so only the required parts would be replaced.

In 1985 there were huge challenges to this task.  There were not wireless data networks commercially available.  There was not a lot of data available.  There were no IoT (Internet of Things) solutions deployed to gather data, there were not "big data" systems that could crunch numbers in seconds and there were no IBM Watson artificial intelligence systems available to diagnose problems and come up with answers in seconds.  Dr. BenBassat's team was successful, but the final solutions could only be used in areas where there was a lot of time available to come up with an answer.  The system couldn't work in a real-time environment.

A lot has changed since 1985.  Today, equipment/assets, using embedded wireless chips and sensors (M2M), can report on itself and wirelessly send data to a server.  This data can be processed in real-time, analyzed and the diagnosis can be shared wirelessly to the mobile device of a service technician.

Today, with big data analysis, service companies don't have to just rely on manufactures' data to understand when maintenance or repairs are required.  If you have thousands of wind turbines operating and reporting their sensor and system data to your server, it does not take a lot of time to start seeing patterns using big data analysis.  These patterns can help you diagnoses problems, and better plan your future maintenance and repairs in a manner that does not result in unplanned shut-downs.  This results in improved productivity and output.

Dr. BenBassat's system designs, math and algorithms for artificial intelligence were accurate and powerful in 1985, but the technology was not there.  It is a different story today.

Today, it is not the lack of technology that prevents these productivity gains, rather it is the lack of management connecting the dots to existing systems and technologies.  I teach SMAC (social, mobile, analytic, cloud) strategies just about every week somewhere in the world.  Most of my work is not teaching about new technologies, but rather helping CIOs connect the dots to what is already available today.

Kevin Benedict, Head Analyst for Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud (SMAC) Cognizant
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Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and SMAC analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

SMAC Expert Series: SAP's Sameer Patel, Part 3

This is the third part of an enlightening interview with SAP's GM for Enterprise Social Software, Sameer Patel recorded at SAPPHIRENOW 2013.  In this segment we talk about the value of enterprise social platforms and how enterprise mobility fits into it.  Enjoy!

Video Link:

Watch Part 1 here
Watch Part 2 here

Kevin Benedict, Head Analyst for Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud (SMAC) Cognizant
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Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and SMAC analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

SMAC Expert Series: Sameer Patel, Part 2

In Part 2 of my interview with SAP's GM for Enterprise Social Software, Sameer Patel, we discuss specific collaboration scenarios and value propositions around CRM, SCM and enterprise learning platforms.  Enjoy!

Video Link:

Watch Part 1 of this interview here.
Watch Part 3 of this interview here.

Kevin Benedict, Head Analyst for Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud (SMAC) Cognizant
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Read the whitepaper on mobile, social, analytics and cloud strategies Don't Get SMACked
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Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and SMAC analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

SMAC Expert Series: SAP's Sameer Patel

Is your company thinking about enterprise social collaboration platforms?  Many CIOs are in the process of testing collaboration platforms today, but not quite knowing what to do with them.  In this short video interview, recorded at SAPPHIRE NOW 2013 a couple of weeks ago, SAP's GM for Enterprise Social Software, Sameer Patel answers my questions on social platforms.  Enjoy!

Video Link:

Watch Part 2 of this interview here.
Watch Part 3 of this interview here.

Kevin Benedict, Head Analyst for Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud (SMAC) Cognizant
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Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and SMAC analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Mobile Expert Video Series: Senthil Krishnapillai

In this short video interview, I corner SAP's VP of Product Management, Mobile Security, Senthil Krishnapillai and ask him about the latest developments in mobile security both on-premise and in the cloud.  Enjoy!

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Kevin Benedict, Head Analyst for Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud (SMAC) Cognizant
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Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and SMAC analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Mobile Expert Video Series: SAP's Oliver Betz

In this short interview recorded at SAPPHIRE NOW 2013, I ask mobile expert Oliver Betz his thoughts on mobile app design strategies.  Enjoy!

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Kevin Benedict, Head Analyst for Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud (SMAC) Cognizant
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Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and SMAC analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Mobile Expert Video Series: Puneet Suppal

In this interview recorded last week at SAPPHIRE NOW 2013, I ask SAP Hana Guru Puneet Suppal about the connection between enterprise mobility, M2M or IoT, real-time business and SAP Hana.  Enjoy!

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Kevin Benedict, Head Analyst for Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud (SMAC) Cognizant
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Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and SMAC analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Mobile Expert Video Series: Kurt Stammberger

Last week at SAP's Sapphire Now 2013 in Orlando, Florida, SAP announced they would begin reselling mobile secure app solutions from Mocana.  In this press release they describe the role of Mocana in their mobile security portfolio.  In this short interview with Mocana's VP of Marketing, I ask about their solutions and how they fit in the SAP Mobile Platform strategy.  Enjoy!

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Kevin Benedict, Head Analyst for Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud (SMAC) Cognizant
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Read the whitepaper on mobile, social, analytics and cloud strategies Don't Get SMACked
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Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and SMAC analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Mobile Expert Video Series: SAP's Brent Cohler on SAP Precision Marketing and Mobility

In this short video recorded in Orlando, Florida last week at SAP's SAPPHIRE NOW 2013, I interview SAP's Brent Cohler on SAP's mobile marketing solution called SAP Precision Marketing and learn about customer use cases and value propositions.  Enjoy!

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Kevin Benedict, Head Analyst for Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud (SMAC) Cognizant
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Read the whitepaper on mobile, social, analytics and cloud strategies Don't Get SMACked
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Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and SMAC analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Enterprise Mobility Asia News Weekly – Week of May 19, 2013

Welcome to Enterprise Mobility Asia News Weekly, an online newsletter that consists of the most interesting news and articles related to enterprise mobility in Asia.  Asia is predicted to be the fastest area of growth for enterprise mobility between now and 2016.

Also read Field Mobility News Weekly
Also read Kevin Benedict’s What’s New in HTML5
Also read M2M News Weekly
Also read Mobile Commerce News Weekly
Also read Mobile Health News Weekly
Also read Mobility News Weekly
Also read SMAC News Weekly

Indian mobile point-of-sale device maker Ezetap Mobile Solutions has obtained global certification for the latest version of its point-of-sale device from Europay, Mastercard and Visa.  This development is expected to encourage an increasing number of Indian consumers to pay for purchases at home using cards.  Read Original Content

A survey commissioned by mobile phone company Amaysim reveals one fourth of Australian adults now spend more than eight hours a day connected to technology.  Read Original Content

Mobile payment services are on the rise in Hong Kong.  Hang Seng Bank, a division of HSBC, will launch its NFC service in the third quarter of 2013, and the Bank of China – Hong Kong will also offer the service this year.  Read Original Content

Antenna Software provides a complete cloud-based enterprise mobility suite that enables both IT pros and business executives alike to create and manage mobile apps, websites and content across the entire business.  This newsletter is sponsored in part by Antenna Software.

China Mobile has been aggressively building up its 4G trial network, which could give it an edge of up to half a year over both Unicom and China Telecom in the 4G space.  Read Original Content

With promising mobile commerce opportunities in China, Amazon announced it has opened its Appstore in the country.  Read Original Content
A recent report by consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers emphasized the important role of mobile devices in China’s e-commerce, finding one third of Chinese online shoppers used devices such as smartphones and tablets to make purchases.  Read Original Content

MobileTECH Summit 2013 is a new event designed to showcase current and upcoming mobile innovations best suited to New Zealand’s principal food and fibre sectors.  The objective of the summit is to provide new tools, ideas, case studies and contacts for mobile communications to grow future productivity and profits.  Read Original Content

Mobile Expert Video Series: Mark Crofton

In this short interview recorded this week in Orlando, FL at SAPPHIRE NOW 2013, SAP's Mark Crofton talks about mobile solutions, mobile banking and trends in Latin America.  Enjoy!

Video Link:

Kevin Benedict, Head Analyst for Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud (SMAC) Cognizant
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Read the whitepaper on mobile, social, analytics and cloud strategies Don't Get SMACked
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Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and SMAC analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

SAP M2M Expert Suhas Uliyar Shares Strategies for the Internet of Things

This is one of the most informative interviews I have recorded on the subject of the IoT (Internet of Things).  IoT is a big subject here at SAPPHIRE NOW 2013.  In this interview Suhas Uliyar shares what an end-to-end M2M (machine to machine) solution looks like in an SAP world.

Learn how the SAP Mobile Platform, Hana, Syclo, Right Hemisphere/ SAP Visual Enterprise, Afaria, Augmented Reality, Mapping, cloud computing and SAP NetWeaver all work together in an M2M solution.

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Kevin Benedict, Head Analyst for Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud (SMAC) Cognizant
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Read the whitepaper on mobile, social, analytics and cloud strategies Don't Get SMACked
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Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and SMAC analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Images from SAPPHIRE 2013

SAP's Sanjay Poonen sharing SAP's mobile strategies
Clockwise from top - Kevin Benedict, SAPPHIRENOW 2013,
Internet of Things Session, SAP-Founder Dr. Hasso Plattner
and SAP Executive Board Member Dr. Vishal Sikka
Clockwise from Top - Suhas Uliyar (SAP VP M2M/IoT),
SAPPHIRE 2013, Orlando FL
Kevin Benedict speaking SMAC strategies
Senthil Krishnapillai (SAP VP Mobile Security)

Kevin Benedict, Head Analyst for Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud (SMAC) Cognizant
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Read the whitepaper on mobile, social, analytics and cloud strategies Don't Get SMACked
Learn about mobile strategies at
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
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Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and SMAC analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Digital Transformation, Retailing and Mobile Technologies

Today I read the results of a report from Google titled, How In-store Shoppers are Using Mobile Devices that states the following, "One in three shoppers uses their smartphones to find information instead of asking for help from a store employee.  In some categories 55 percent say they do this when shopping for appliances, 48 percent for electronics, 40 percent for baby care and 39 percent for household care."  Those numbers point to a significant change in retailing.  They point to a self-help transformation enabled by mobile devices.  Companies that want to thrive in retail must embrace these behaviors by acknowledging them and adapting their strategies.

Here are some more interesting results from the report:
  • 79 percent of smartphone owners are smartphone shoppers
  • 62 percent utilize a smartphone to assist with shopping at least once a month and 17 percent utilize mobile to assist in shopping at least once a week
  • 84 percent of smartphone users, utilize smartphones to help shop while in a store
  • 53 percent of smartphone users, utilize their device in-store to make price comparisons
  • 39 percent of smartphone users use their smartphones to find promotional offers while in store
  • 36 percent of smartphone users use their smartphones to find location/directions to stores
  • 35 percent of smartphone users use their smartphones to find store hours.
Retail is not the only place experiencing significant changes due to mobile technologies and other innovations.  Books are becoming ebooks, DVDs are giving way to streaming video, album sales have morphed into single song sales online, classified ads have moved from the local newspaper to Craig’s List, bank branches are losing their relevance as mobile banking apps gain in popularity, product research is done on mobile devices, college degrees are being earned online and consumers are self-diagnosing their illnesses via mobile and online research.  All of these market and behavioral changes are due to what is termed digital transformation.

All industries will be impacted to some degree by the digital transformation that is happening in 2013. However, industries driven primarily by information, such as healthcare, education, financial and public services, will experience some of the most profound changes.

Specific functions in companies such as marketing, online sales, customer support, etc., will experience significant changes because of the digitization.

Digital transformation is happening as a result of technology innovations, cultural and population shifts, evolving societal behaviors, and changing market expectations.  Even traditional industries not generally associated with leading edge technologies are experiencing the effects of this digital transformation on their interactions with employee, partners and customers.

Leading these digital transformations are developments around SMAC (social, mobile, analytics and cloud) technologies.  These developments change our interactions, communications and expectations on how people, organizations and businesses should engage with each other.

Mobile technologies, including smartphones and tablets in particular, are transforming entire industries.  Today when people want answers they search the Internet or a connected data source.  When they want to remember an upcoming event, they add it to a calendar supported by their mobile device.  When they want to save information, they write a note, record an audio memo or take a digital photo/video and save it to their mobile devices and connected personal cloud storage services.  When they want to communicate with friends, family members or healthcare providers they use their mobile devices, apps and social media technologies.  When they want to research products, read reviews and find locations and prices they first reach for their smartphones.

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Kevin Benedict, Head Analyst for Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud (SMAC) Cognizant
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Read the whitepaper on mobile, social, analytics and cloud strategies Don't Get SMACked
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Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and SMAC analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Renegade Business Execs, SMAC and Things are Out of Control!

Cloud based Google Enterprise Apps
This morning Cognizant, the company where I work as an analyst, reported their earnings.  In the earnings call Cognizant CEO Francisco D'Souza stated, "This year we expect to deliver about $500 million in SMAC (social, mobile, analytics, cloud) related services."  That is a significant number in Boise, Idaho where I live.

I study SMAC related topics daily and teach SMAC (social, mobile, analytics and cloud) workshops globally.  No one is arguing against these mega-trends in 2013.  The questions I get are related to how to embrace and exploit these trends for the good of the company given their unique position, market, industry and region.

On another topic - I read an article today titled, "Renegade Business Execs Drive IT Strategy" that I found intriguing.  Here is an excerpt, "Business executives are increasingly bypassing the IT department and spending their own budgets on technology as "it's too important for their business to leave to IT", says analyst house Forrester."

I believe we are witnessing the beginnings of the "consumerization of enterprise apps.  When powerful and useful enterprise apps are available in the cloud for the choosing, business executives can often select and implement them with minimal IT department involvement.  If the business believes it will help their bottom line, they pull the trigger and use their own budgets.  This of course has implications on how the IT department is viewed and their future missions.

Here is another excerpt from the article, "CIOs now have to pivot and act more as a consultant to the business. The days of a centralized controlled IT world are over. Vendor management can no longer be the central management point for IT departments."  Things are out of control!

The cat is out of the bag!  The horse is out of the barn!  Who let the dogs out?  All odd sayings, but they seem strangely relevant to what is happening in IT.  The business is more and more about technology, and thus business execs are becoming experts themselves in the use of technology to hit their business objectives.  They are no longer depending upon the IT department to recommend and select innovative solutions.  If you are selling technology to companies, you should be paying attention to this trend!

The IT department today is often viewed as the maintenance arm of the company.  The keepers of the systems of record, the ERPs, databases, security systems and IT policies and licenses.  More and more of the innovation seems to be happening in the cloud and on mobile devices.

One last excerpt, "IT will become much less of a blue-collar run and built organization and much more of a white-collar shop focused on design, orchestration and integration, with more of the integration focused on external business partners and public cloud services."

This is the future.  This is why Cognizant is studying and sharing our research on SMAC (social, mobile, analytics and cloud) with the world.  This is why we have a SMAC practice.  This is why we are working closely with Google Enterprise to demonstrate what a fully enabled SMAC platform looks like.

If you live in the UK, you may be interested in an upcoming exclusive breakfast discussion on ‘Private, Public and Hybrid Cloud’ the morning of 12th June in Thistle Hotel in Marble Arch. Moderating the session will be Paul Simmonds, ex-CISO of AstraZeneca and of ICI and a panel of experts from Microsoft, Savvis and Interxion.  There are limited seats, but email me if you are interested in attending and I will see what I can do.

Kevin Benedict, Head Analyst for Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud (SMAC) Cognizant
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Read the whitepaper on mobile, social, analytics and cloud strategies Don't Get SMACked
Learn about mobile strategies at
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
Join the Linkedin Group Strategic Enterprise Mobility

Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and SMAC analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Are You Acting Strategically Enough with Your Enterprise Mobility?

Are you acting strategically
enough to matter?
I read the following question recently, "Are we acting strategically enough to matter?"  I remember the question, because I believe it is so important for us all to answer.  It is a question all IT and business people should be asking themselves!

In this picture of charging elephants, would it really make a difference if you took a baby step to the left, right, forward or backwards?  Probably not!  The only way to save yourself would be to do something strategic and fast!

I see enterprise mobility in a similar way.  How long are large enterprises going to engage in tiny proof of concepts before they do something big!  The mega-trends of SMAC (social, mobile, analytics and cloud) are not going away.  The faster companies recognize these are absolutely market and industry altering trends and begin to do something smart about it, the better.

I read a very interesting interview with Silicon Valley veteran and investor/celebrity Marc Andreessen the other day.  Here are some of his candid technology and trend predictions:

  • Nothing is going to stop the consumerization of the enterprise. 
  • Nothing is going to stop the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) trend. 
  • Nothing is going to stop Software-as-a-Service. 
  • Nothing is going to stop the cloud. 
  • Any installed software, where there is a web or a cloud equivalent, is in real trouble.  Old software vendors are charging these huge upgrade and maintenance prices. Companies can switch to SaaS for less than the cost of the maintenance on the old software.
Do you agree with him?  I mostly do!  I think BYOD is really BWITUICS (bring what I tell you I can support).

I was teaching a SMAC strategies workshop the other day in Edinburgh, Scotland.  The large global financial services company I was meeting with had an "Innovation Team" consisting of members of the business and IT members.  This team was tasked with recognizing market and industry impacting trends on the horizon and having a plan in place to address them.  They invited me to come in and share the results of my research on enterprise mobility and SMAC.  

I believe all companies need to have some team in place watching the horizon and developing responses to emerging opportunities and threats.  These days demand foresight and courage.  Does your company have them?
Kevin Benedict, Head Analyst for Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud (SMAC) Cognizant
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Read the whitepaper on mobile, social, analytics and cloud strategies Don't Get SMACked
Learn about mobile strategies at
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
Join the Linkedin Group Strategic Enterprise Mobility

Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and SMAC analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Enterprise and Consumer Mobility and Travel Strategies

I teach a lot of SMAC strategies workshops (social, mobile, analytics and cloud) around the world.  Conducting these involves a lot of travel.  I have been pondering these last few days just how much my travel experience has changed over the past decade.  Today, mobile smartphones can provide the following:
  • Push to buy the Heathrow Express train ticket from an app on my iPhone
  • Translate foreign languages live on screen
  • Get real-time transportation advice
  • Locate myself anywhere in the world on a map
  • Use my iPhone compass app to know where North is located
  • Use my smartphone screen as a boarding pass
  • Find a Thai restaurant and read the social reviews 
  • Book my dinner reservation
  • Help find a last-minute hotel room or book a Marriott property
  • Book, change or review my airline reservation (change my seats to be as comfortable as possible)
  • Help me understand how long it will take to travel from point A in London, to point B
  • Read about any location, building, historical event, city or neighborhood instantly
  • Download an eBook I saw in a bookstore and read on my iPad mini
  • Download an audio book to listen to when my eyes grow heavy
  • Mask the sounds of revelry in the streets with the sounds of waterfalls cascading from my iPhone
  • Look up available short-term apartment rentals within a specific distance of a given point on AirBnB mobile, see photos and read reviews
  • Help me stay in real-time contact with my family and friends while traveling
  • Create a private, invitation only, Photo Stream to share my trip photos with my family
  • Check my email
  • Listen to voicemail
  • Skype
  • Jump on Google+, open a Hangout and instantly set-up video conferencing with my team, share any Google apps including presentations live (the death of distance)
  • Write and publish newsletters and articles while traveling around the world
  • Record video interviews with my iPhone, edit and publish from any corner of the world
I could continue.  I research and write about technologies that cause digital disruptions.  All of the above mobile app capabilities are in some manner disrupting the way the travel and hospitality industry operate.

There are digital disruptions happening in every industry today - some are small, but others are massive.    I make decisions on the hotels I book based upon their quality and comfort, and their high speed internet connections.  I don't care how nice a hotel is, if it can't get me on the Internet at a decent speed I will not stay there.  That kind of behavior is a digital disruptor for hotels.

Digital disruptions are not to be feared, but rather recognized, understood, embraced and exploited.  Digital disruptions are most often ridiculed by an industry when they first appear.  However, they eventually may grow to be a tsunami of change that overturns those unprepared.  It is my opinion that all companies should have a team that meets regularly to identify digital disruptors on the horizon to debate and ponder their potential impact without ridicule or denial.

The marketplace is littered with the remnants of companies unwilling and unable to change in the face of digital disruptions.  Will your company deny or embrace digital disruption?

Kevin Benedict, Head Analyst for Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud (SMAC) Cognizant
View Linkedin Profile

Read the whitepaper on mobile, social, analytics and cloud strategies Don't Get SMACked
Learn about mobile strategies at
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
Join the Linkedin Group Strategic Enterprise Mobility

Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and SMAC analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Interviews with Kevin Benedict