Showing posts with label sap mobile platform. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sap mobile platform. Show all posts

Mobile Expert Interviews: Unvired's Alok Pant

In this interview with mobile expert Alok Pant, CEO of Unvired, we discuss their recent work with Google Glass connected to SAP, using voice, touch and motion sensors in a warehouse environment. Enjoy!

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Kevin Benedict
Writer, Speaker, Senior Analyst
Digital Transformation, EBA, Center for the Future of Work Cognizant
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Recommended Strategy Book Code Halos
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***Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and digital transformation analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Mobile Expert Interview: SAP's Adam Stein

SAP announced many new developments in their SAP Mobile Platform this week in Orlando, FL at SAPPHIRE.  In this interview, SAP's Head of Mobile Solution, Product Marketing, Adam Stein shares the details.  Enjoy!

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Kevin Benedict
Writer, Speaker, Editor
Senior Analyst, Digital Transformation, EBA, Center for the Future of Work Cognizant
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Recommended Strategy Book Code Halos
Recommended iPad App Code Halos for iPads

***Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and digital transformation analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Mobile Expert Interview: SAP's Senthil Krishnapillai

SAP's solutions for mobile security continue to evolve and respond to competition and customer requests.  In this interview, SAP's Head of Mobile Security, Senthil Krishnapillai, a long time friend and veteran mobility product guru announces the new solution and shares the details.  Enjoy!

Video Link:

Kevin Benedict
Writer, Speaker, Editor
Senior Analyst, Digital Transformation, EBA, Center for the Future of Work Cognizant
View my profile on LinkedIn
Learn about mobile strategies at
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
Join the Linkedin Group Strategic Enterprise Mobility
Join the Google+ Community Mobile Enterprise Strategies
Recommended Strategy Book Code Halos
Recommended iPad App Code Halos for iPads

***Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and digital transformation analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

How Many Solutions Does it Take to Implement Enterprise Mobility?

How many different solutions do you need in order to implement an enterprise quality mobile solution?  I think this is a worthy question.  In years past MEAP (mobile enterprise application platform) and MADP (mobile application development platform) vendors tried to cover all of your needs, but the market has determined this is not an acceptable model going forward.  Companies are just not comfortable putting all their eggs in one basket and betting the mobile farm on an unprofitable VC backed mobility vendor.  Enterprise mobility is just too strategic.  Even when companies have standardized most of their internal business solutions on a major ERP vendor, they want to keep their options open.  SAP understands this and has worked to make their SAP Mobile Platform environment play nice with other vendors and toolkits.

Given that market manifesto, companies must now pick and choose their own variety of mobile solutions, platforms and toolkits.  The first question, again, is how many solutions do you need?  I am going to suggest at least one more than you may have thought.  Several vendors including Aternity ( and B2M Solutions ( propose that you must understand your business process and systems' performance first, second your mobile app performance, and thirdly your workers' performance (KPIs) in the field.  How many of you have recognized this solution category in the past?  Not many I think.  This is an area generally overlooked in most mobility projects.

Think about this scenario - Your team develops the world's best mobile app, however, it sucks and nobody will use it!  How could that be?  The business process, back office systems, APIs and security environments are too slow to support the needs of the mobile app and by extension the mobile user.  That is a critical problem.  It would have been nice to measure the performance of those required systems and processes before you invested in the development of the mobile app. Many IT environments were not designed with mobility in mind.  Today, major work must be done in many enterprises to support the new digital and mobile realities.

I am recommending that enterprises first measure the performance of the business process and relevant systems before they start developing the mobile app.  Once the performance is deemed satisfactory, then develop the mobile app and measure its performance.  Isolate performance issues at each step of the way.

Once your business processes, systems and mobile app performances are all deemed satisfactory, then seek to start measuring workforce productivity and KPIs via the mobile apps.  This data can be used to better understand "patterns of life" and "patterns of work" and optimization efforts implemented.

Kevin Benedict
Writer, Speaker, Editor
Senior Analyst, Digital Transformation, EBA, Center for the Future of Work Cognizant
View my profile on LinkedIn
Learn about mobile strategies at
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Join the Linkedin Group Strategic Enterprise Mobility
Join the Google+ Community Mobile Enterprise Strategies
Recommended Strategy Book Code Halos
Recommended iPad App Code Halos for iPads

***Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and digital transformation analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Mobile Expert Interview: SAP's Martin Heisig at MWC14

Last week I met with and interviewed SAP's Senior VP of Infrastructure Services, Martin Heisig at the Mobile World Congress 2014. Martin manages how SAP runs SAP products and is responsible for SAP's internal mobile strategies.  In this interview I ask him to share advice on how to support over 70,000 mobile devices.  Enjoy!

Video Link:

Kevin Benedict
Senior Analyst, Digital Transformation Cognizant
View my profile on LinkedIn
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Join the Linkedin Group Strategic Enterprise Mobility

***Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and digital transformation analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Mobile Expert Interview Series: SAP's Ole Einar Fosse

I had the privilege this week to interview SAP's mobility expert in Norway, Ole Einar Fosse.  We discussed industry trends, ROIs and use cases he sees most often in Norway.  Enjoy!

Video Link:

Kevin Benedict, Head Analyst for Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud (SMAC) Cognizant
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***Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and SMAC analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Mobile Expert Video Series: SAP's Oliver Betz

In this short interview recorded at SAPPHIRE NOW 2013, I ask mobile expert Oliver Betz his thoughts on mobile app design strategies.  Enjoy!

Video Link:

Kevin Benedict, Head Analyst for Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud (SMAC) Cognizant
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Read the whitepaper on mobile, social, analytics and cloud strategies Don't Get SMACked
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Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and SMAC analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Mobile Expert Video Series: Jeff Wallace Part 3

In this short video, recorded last week in San Ramon, CA, I ask Cognizant's Mobility Practice Leader, Jeff Wallace about his thoughts and opinions on the use of MEAPs (mobile enterprise application platforms) and MADPs (mobile application development platforms), their value and purpose.  Enjoy!

Video Link:

If you missed Parts 1 and/or 2 of this interview, you can watch them here:

Kevin Benedict, Head Analyst for Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud (SMAC) Cognizant
View Linkedin Profile

Read the whitepaper on mobile, social, analytics and cloud strategies Don't Get SMACked
Learn about mobile strategies at
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
Join the Linkedin Group Strategic Enterprise Mobility

Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and SMAC analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Gartner's New 2012 Magic Quadrant for Field Services

Have you seen the new 2012 magic quadrant on field services from Gartner?  It is quite strange.  SAP is listed in the bottom left even after the Syclo acquisition?  I thought Syclo was all about mobile enterprise asset management which is very closely aligned with field services (think preventative maintenance and repairs).

ClickSoftware, however, is listed far above everyone else in the top right quadrant.  The strange part is that SAP resells ClickSoftware's solutions as the SAP Workforce Scheduling and Optimization solution and it utilizes the SAP Mobility Platform.  What a small world we all live in.  It seems the Gartner analysis is less about the technology, and more about how it is positioned in the market.  I say that because you can get the same solution from both companies yet they are far apart on the MQ.

My analysis is that field services is much more than just a mobile app platform.  It includes dynamic scheduling, rostering, forecasting, time sheets, planning, etc.   Mobility is simply extending and enhancing the power of those solutions.  Without those connected back-office solutions, mobility loses much of its value.  That is how I interpret the MQ.  What about you?

More pondering... This must present a real dilemma for SAP sales folks selling into field services opportunities.  Should they sell their prospects the SAP Workforce Scheduling and Optimization solution by ClickSoftware, which is on their price list and listed in the very top right Gartner MQ for Field Services and sits on top of the SAP Mobility Platform, or should they sell their prospects just SAP Mobility Platform which is listed in the bottom left.  Yikes!  That is going to require some strategy.

In a timely but coincidental note, I will be joining Stewart Hill from ClickSoftware at 11 AM EST on November 13th to present a webinar titled, "Using Mobile Technology to Drive Business Visibility and Real-time Decision Making."  What a fun subject!!!  I invite you to join the discussion by registering here.
Kevin Benedict, Head Analyst for SMAC, Cognizant
Read The Future of Work
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
Join the Linkedin Group Strategic Enterprise Mobility
Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and SMAC analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Mobile Expert Video Series: Dr. Ahmed El Adl

I have interviewed Dr. Ahmed El Adl many times over the years, and he is always willing to share his experiences and knowledge with us.  There are many new developments at SAP around the convergence of M2M, enterprise mobility, Hana, analytics, and much more that he shares in this video interview.  Enjoy!
Kevin Benedict, Head Analyst for SMAC, Cognizant
Read The Future of Work
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
Join the Linkedin Group Strategic Enterprise Mobility
Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and SMAC analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Mobile Expert Video Series: Bryan Whitmarsh

In this segment SAP mobility guru Bryan Whitmarsh and I discuss Afaria (MDM) and SAP's new product called SAP Box.  SAP Box is similar to DropBox, but secured by Afaria.  Very interesting indeed!  The purpose is to give employees the capabilities of easily sharing content with other employees, but in a manner secured and approved by IT.
Kevin Benedict, Head Analyst for SMAC (Social, MOBILE, Analytics and Cloud), Cognizant
Read The Future of Work
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
Join the Strategic Enterprise Mobility Linkedin Group
Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

SAP Enterprise Mobility and M2M in Your Company

Last week I spent some time with SAP's Sanjay Poonen discussing M2M (machine-to-machine) communications.  I came away from that discussion excited that SAP was focusing on this emerging market that I have found so fascinating. Most IT departments have been so focused on figuring out how to implement enterprise mobility and support communicating with people using smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices, that they have not yet thought about communicating with mobile and/or remote machines.

Here is an excerpt from the article I wrote last week about my discussions with SAP's Sanjay Poonen on the topic of M2M.  "Sanjay and I spent quite a bit of time talking about where mobile security is going, beyond MDM.  From MDM to Mobile App Management, to Secure Content Management, to eventually M2M (machine-to-machine) communications.  He talked about how this field will have a big impact in SAP’s plans.  In fact, Sanjay had just chaired a conference call with about 50 SAP internal people to brainstorm about M2M, and there is a great deal of excitement around SAP’s plans in this area."

Perhaps it is early, but not too early to begin pondering the strategic value of M2M in your company.  What machines, sensors, facilities, security systems, vehicles, plant equipment, supplies and materials would it be valuable for your ERP and other systems to automatically communicate with?  What automatic monitoring data would be useful for your operations?

Canal and irrigation management systems are regularly using M2M technology today in remote sensors to record and wirelessly transmit water levels, the statuses of gates and to adjust water levels.

Utility companies are one of the biggest users of M2M technologies.  Their assets (lines, substations, transformers, pipelines, storage tanks etc) are in remote locations and remote M2M sensors and wireless chips can monitor their statuses and report to a central location.

Fleet management systems also take advantage of M2M.  Vehicles report their location, speed, fuel usage, hours of operation, repair and maintenance needs all automatically using M2M.  This is machine's sending data automatically to other machines.

Vending machine companies today are widely using M2M technologies that enable their vending machines to automatically report inventory levels and other information from the kiosk or vending machine.  You can imagine the savings in efficiencies if the route driver knows in advance exactly what each vending machine needs, and when it needs it to maximize sales and productivity.

Manufacturing plants can be revolutionized by the use of M2M technologies.  Can you imagine having a central team managing plants around the world from one location that is receiving and processing M2M communications from all of the equipment in all the plants?  Wow!

Large companies can end up having massive amounts of M2M data flowing into the company.  The next challenge of course is what to do with it.  M2M data looks just like data coming in from a smartphone.  The data from a Yes or No answer on a smartphone app, looks just like M2M data reporting the gate is open in yard #3.  IT departments need to ensure the data is secure and accurate.  They need to monitor and track all of their M2M technologies and wireless embedded chips to ensure they are working properly and the data is good.  This data needs to be integrated with the right systems.  The systems need to understand what to do with it.

M2M communications can be the front-end data collection mechanisms for many systems. The automated inputs for all kinds of business processes.  Big Data technologies and business analytics to quickly interpret the meaning of all the data and to translate it into a form that can help managers make good real-time data driven decisions in the field.  These alerts and notifications can be sent to the mobile devices of managers no matter their locations for quick and immediate responses.

M2M systems can reuse many of the same mobile middleware, mobile device management, integration, provisioning and security components that are used for supporting enterprise mobility today.  The main challenge will be developing an enterprise-wide M2M strategy, and since this is also the big challenge with enterprise mobility, we may have to wait in line.
ILS Technology is an SAP Partner
Kevin Benedict, Mobile Industry Analyst, Mobile Strategy Consultant and SAP Mentor Alumnus
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
Full Disclosure: I am an independent mobility analyst, consultant and blogger. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Mobilizing Your Enterprise with SAP by SAP Press

SAP Press has just published a new book titled Mobilizing Your Enterprise with SAP that I recommend reading.  It is the best I have read.  I had the honor of being asked to write the Forward for this book along with Sanjay Poonen, SAP President and Corporate Offier, Technology and Innovation Products.

Here is an excerpt:
Enterprise mobility is transformational.  It is not just about a particular mobile device, screen size, operating system or online application store.  It is a new way of conducting business that demands our attention.  Companies will succeed or fail based in large part on their ability to respond to this reality.

Within the pages of this book are detailed many of the most important enterprise mobility trends and technical requirements that are shaping our IT landscapes today.  Nearly all of us easily recognize and appreciate the value and utility of the smartphone and tablet in the consumer space.  Today, the great minds of business and enterprise IT have turned their attentions to contemplating the full range of benefits that mobile technologies can bring to their individual regions, markets, industries and operations. 

This book opens by describing two specific waves of enterprise mobility, extending and creating.  Extending our ERP and other IT investments out to mobile devices is one wave, and creating completely new business processes is another.  Extending our internal IT investments to mobile devices offers important incremental improvements that deliver efficiencies, productivity gains and improved customer interactions to name just a few, however, creating completely new processes that are only possible with mobile technology and real-time communication is the giant leap forward.

What can be done differently in your business if you have real-time visibility to the status and location of your workforce and all of your resources, assets, inventories, supplies, and customer needs?  How can you improve your business performance by using real-time data in the field to drive better and faster decision-making?  How can you beat your competition and improve your business performance by developing real-time unified views of your operation?  What is possible if you have complete situational awareness because you have implemented a network centric operational strategy that provides full visibility and maximizes your ability to make good and fast decisions from anywhere?  The answers to these questions will dictate your company’s future.

This book is the first of its kind.  It is the first book I have ever read that attempts and succeeds in covering the full breadth of the enterprise mobility landscape from mobile business trends to specific technical development strategies within the SAP ecosystem.  I would even go further and endorse this book as required reading for anyone, SAP user or not, that wants to understand the full scope of enterprise quality mobile solutions and how it is possible to transform your business with this knowledge.

I invite you to follow me on Twitter @krbenedict.

Kevin Benedict, Mobile Industry Analyst, Mobile Strategy Consultant and SAP Mentor Alumnus
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
Full Disclosure: I am an independent mobility analyst, consultant and blogger. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Eggs with Benedict (Free Range) Mobile Strategies Workshops in London

Eggs with Benedict, 2012

Next week (June 19th and 20th), I am conducting two private workshops on mobile strategies in London, England.  These are invitation only events for end user companies interested in learning and discussing various mobile strategies.  If your company fits this description and is tackling the challenge of developing an enterprise wide mobile strategy, and you would like to attend one of these half day workshops with me, then please send me an email and I will ask the event organizers if there are still seats open.  There will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions and brainstorm together.

These workshops are the updated 2012 version of the Eggs with Benedict, Mobile Strategies workshops that I conducted in 11 countries in 2011.

Kevin Benedict, Mobile Industry Analyst, Mobile Strategy Consultant and SAP Mentor Alumnus
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
Full Disclosure: I am an independent mobility analyst, consultant and blogger. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Mobile Expert Video Series: Andre Guillemin

Andre Guillemin recently returned from Australia where he conducted a series of workshops on mobile application design for enterprise apps.  I caught up with him in Boston last week, enjoyed some great Indian food (Chicken Biryani), and convinced him to share some of his insights with you.

Kevin Benedict, Mobile Industry Analyst, Mobile Strategy Consultant and SAP Mentor Alumnus
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
Full Disclosure: I am an independent mobility analyst, consultant and blogger. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Infonomics and Enterprise Mobility

Do you value and manage your enterprise information like it is a strategic asset?  In an insightful article by Gartner Inc.'s Douglas Laney, titled Infonomics: The Practice of Information Economics, the value of company information is explored.  I read this article with great interest and interpreted it in the context of enterprise mobility.

Here is Laney's description of Infonomics, "When considering how to put information to work for your organization, it’s important to go beyond thinking and talking about information as an asset, to actually valuing and treating it as one. This is the basis of the new theory and emerging discipline of Infonomics which provides organizations a foundation and methods for quantifying information asset value and formal information asset management practices."

In my mobile strategy workshops, I spend time with my clients exploring the value of "real-time" information to a company and the role enterprise mobility plays in it.  Laney's article takes it to the next level by treating it as a discipline. 

Here is another excerpt from Laney, "Infonomics posits that information should be considered a new asset class in that it has measurable economic value and other properties that qualify it to be accounted for and administered as any other recognized type of asset—and that there are significant strategic, operational and financial reasons for doing so."

Let me add some context, if you have a mobile workforce in the field and you know the following real-time information:
  • Location
  • Job status
  • Skills and qualifications
  • Inventory
  • Equipment
  • Costs (hourly wage)
Then you can make some important decisions as to how you can optimally schedule and utilize your workforce.  In contrast, if you don't have real-time knowledge of the six points listed above, you cannot.  There are significant competitive values to this real-time information.  Laney's article explores how you can measure that value.

Once you have placed a value on real-time information, then you can determine an ROI for developing and implementing a system that supports the use of real-time information.  I see this a lot when discussing mobile workforce scheduling solutions.  Many organizations simply do not have the IT systems in place that can support real-time scheduling based on real-time information (location, job status, etc.).  This is a limitation.  This prevents them from transforming their company into a real-time enterprise and effectively competing with companies that are.

Kevin Benedict, Mobile Industry Analyst, Mobile Strategy Consultant and SAP Mentor Alumnus
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
Full Disclosure: I am an independent mobility analyst, consultant and blogger. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Kevin Benedict's Video Comments: Mobilized Objects

In this short video I discuss the concept of mobilized objects.  You can mobilize much more than just a workforce, and it is important to recognize how mobilizing many different objects can benefit your enterprise.

Kevin Benedict, Mobile Industry Analyst, Mobile Strategy Consultant and SAP Mentor Alumnus
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
Full Disclosure: I am an independent mobility analyst, consultant and blogger. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Mobile Expert Video Series: Harish Rau, Part 2

This is Part 2 in this series with Element Five Solutions' Harish Rau.  In this segment, he shares advice and lessons learned during implementations of the Sybase Unwired Platform. He is a true enterprise mobility expert.  By that I mean, he has been down the path and lived to share his experiences with you and I.

Kevin Benedict, Independent Mobile Industry Analyst, Consultant and SAP Mentor Alumnus
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
Full Disclosure: I am an independent mobility analyst, consultant and blogger. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Interviews with Kevin Benedict