Land Rush |
I was honored to be able to attend and speak at a mobile security conference this week in beautiful and sunny San Francisco (I wrote about it
here). While attending I had the privilege of meeting and interviewing Apperian's SVP of Global Business Development, Cimarron Buser. Cimarron's parents named him after the novel of the same name, written by Edna Ferber and published in 1929, about the Oklahoma land rushes of 1889 and 1893. In this story ambitious settlers attempted to race ahead of their competition and stake claims to newly available territories, much like the way startups attempt to capture newly discovered markets in Silicon Valley. How is that for a world class segue?
Apperian is a MAM (mobile application management) solution provider that focuses on managing mobile application lifecycles. In this interview we discuss how their solutions work with and compliment other categories of mobile solutions including MDM and EMM.
Video Link:
Are you attending Cognizant's Community conference at the Ritz-Carlton Orlando on October 19-22nd in Orlando,
http://www.cognizant.com/community/home.aspx where the following subjects will be the focus of a stellar group of analyst, business leaders and futurists. Here are some of the session descriptions:
Delivering Hyper-Personalization: Adding the Next Layer of Engagement with Social, Mobile and Sensors
Get equipped to evaluate, implement or enhance mobile hyper-personalization technologies and strategies that deliver superior experiences to customers, a smarter workplace for employees and a collaborative environment for partners.
Generating Value from Signal: A Working Session on the Economics of Meaning Making
Find out how a richer understanding of customers, products, employees and partners is reshaping business processes and changing the nature of competition from Paul Roehrig, managing director of Cognizant’s Center for the Future of Work.
Putting the Experience in “Digital Customer Experience”
Hear the latest research about how companies are working to deeply engage and delight customers by reshaping business processes and adding value to their services from Ben Pring, co-director of Cognizant’s Center for the Future of Work.
A Day in the Digital Life
Experience firsthand the power of the Internet of Things, Google Glass, digital marketing and more in this immersive guided tour that brings to life how digital technology and data are transforming daily interactions at home and work as well as entire industries.
Kevin Benedict
Writer, Speaker, Senior Analyst
Digital Transformation, EBA, Center for the Future of Work
***Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and digital transformation analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.