Field Mobility and M2M News Weekly – Week of May 6, 2012

The Field Mobility and M2M News Weekly is an online newsletter made up of the most interesting news and articles related to field mobility that I run across each week.  I am specifically targeting information that reflects market data and trends.

Also read Enterprise Mobility Asia News Weekly
Also read Mobile Commerce News Weekly
Also read Mobile Marketing News Weekly
Also read Mobile Health News Weekly
Also read Mobility News Weekly

GPS technology provides a method for keeping track of seniors that may wander off – GPS shoes are able to track where the wearer goes and if he or she leaves a safe zone. Read Original Content

The global field service management market is predicted to reach $375.8 million by 2015, and the increasing need to drive workforce productivity is a key factor contributing to the market growth. Read Original Content

The U.S. Army Geospatial Center recently released a new smartphone app for data survey and analysis.  The HyDRA app uses Google Maps and Google Earth and was developed to provide the Dept. of Defense logistics and geospatial intelligence-related water communities with information on water resources data collection, visualization and dissemination in a mobile, enterprise-enabled environment. Read Original Content

Since 1995, Syclo has enabled hundreds of companies in 37 countries and industries supercharge their businesses with mobility.  This newsletter is sponsored in part by Syclo.

FieldAware has released a free white paper titled “The Advantages of True Mobility in Field Service Organizations”.  The report provides information and data showing that mobile field service automation can increase worker productivity by an average of 27 percent and increase overall profitability by an average of 17 percent. Read Original Content

Huawei and Simple Solutions have entered into an agreement which will allow Simple Solutions to sell and support Huawei embedded cellular modules into the M2M market in certain countries in the European Union. Read Original Content

PayNearMe has launched a fully mobile cash payment system. Using barcode technology, a consumer can order goods online via smartphone or PC, and then pay via their smartphone at a participating retailer such as 7-Eleven using a payment screen and barcode scanning. Read Original Content

Enterprise Mobility Asia News Weekly – Week of May 6, 2012

Welcome to the Enterprise Mobility Asia News Weekly, an online newsletter that consists of the most interesting news and articles related to enterprise mobility in Asia.  Asia is predicted to be the fastest area of growth for enterprise mobility between now and 2016.

Also read Field Mobility and M2M News Weekly
Also read Mobile Commerce News Weekly
Also read Mobile Marketing News Weekly
Also read Mobile Health News Weekly
Also read Mobility News Weekly

Singapore’s EpiCentre is moving into the mobile commerce arena, allowing retail transactions to be made using mobile devices. Read Original Content and Read More Original Content

Apple reports that iPhone sales in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong increased five-fold during the first quarter of 2012. Read Original Content

The National Payments Corporation of India is requesting approval from the Reserve Bank to make mobile payment services provided by banks and telecomm companies work together.  Read Original Content

Ericsson has signed a framework agreement with China Mobile and a letter of intent with China Unicom for equipment and services. Read Original Content

Some of the key trends contributing to the rise in enterprise mobility in India are:
Predicted accelerated growth in mobility among larger enterprises; increased start-up activity in mobility; and concerns on security and integration. Read Original Content

Mobile Health News Weekly – April 29, 2012

The Mobile Health News Weekly is an online newsletter made up of the most interesting news and articles related to mobile health that I run across each week.  I am specifically targeting information that reflects market data and trends.

Also read Enterprise Mobility Asia News Weekly
Also read Field Mobility and M2M News Weekly
Also read Mobile Commerce News Weekly
Also read Mobile Marketing News Weekly
Also read Mobility News Weekly

It was no surprise that Apple co-founder and American Telemedicine Association annual meeting keynote speaker Steve Wozniak felt that iPhone mHealth apps would play a role in the future of U.S. health care. Read Original Content

With a focus on mHealth security, Symantec, a provider of security, storage and systems management solutions, intentionally lost 50 smartphones. Findings from the study show 96 percent of the smartphones were accessed by their finders, and nearly half of the finders tried to access the phone owner's bank account. Read Original Content

With mHealth on the agenda, ATA 2012 kicks off in San Jose. Approximately 4,500 attendees will meet to discuss, view and envision the cutting-edge technology and concepts that drive telemedicine, telehealth and mobile health in the nation’s healthcare landscape. Read Original Content

Webalo technology eliminates the need for traditional mobile application development tools and custom programming to provide in hours, instead of weeks or months, mobile access to the specific enterprise data and functions that smartphone and tablet users rely on to do their jobs.  This newsletter is sponsored in part by Webalo,

The mobile health movement has generated huge buzz over the last several years with its promise of bringing better, more personalized care at a cheaper cost to a wider number of engaged consumers. However, before the mHealth movement can get to that point, two key challenges need to be overcome. Read Original Content

Bethesda-based M3 Information has created an app that asks patients a series of nearly 30 questions designed to assess whether they exhibit symptoms of depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder. Read Original Content

Mobility News Weekly – Week of April 29, 2012

The Mobility News Weekly is an online newsletter made up of the most interesting news and articles related to enterprise mobility that I run across each week.  I am specifically targeting information that reflects market data and trends.

Also read Enterprise Mobility Asia News Weekly
Also read Field Mobility and M2M News Weekly
Also read Mobile Commerce News Weekly
Also read Mobile Marketing News Weekly
Also read Mobile Health News Weekly

The worldwide smartphone market grew 42.5 percent year-over-year during the first quarter, as Samsung Electronics overtook Apple for the smartphone leadership position, according to IDC's estimates. Read Original Content

SAP AG, the largest maker of enterprise software, chose to host its Afaria mobile offering on the Internet, giving customers a cheaper way of managing employees’ smartphones and tablet computers. Read Original Content

Apple and Samsung combined control 99 percent of the smartphone market’s profits, and that isn’t likely to change any time soon. Canaccord Genuity’s Michael Walkley said his research backs that up, and that some 73 percent of those profits went just to Apple. Read Original Content

ClickSoftware is an SAP mobility partner and the leading provider of automated workforce management and optimization solutions for every size of service business.  This newsletter is sponsored in part by ClickSoftware -

A new analysis claims the iPhone made up 30.7 percent of the U.S. smartphone market and 14 percent of the mobile market in the first quarter of 2012. comScore noted Apple's steady upward climb when it released quarterly data from its MobiLens service, which surveyed 30,000 mobile subscribers users. Read Original Content

Registrations are now open for ClickSoftware's ClickConnect 2012 APAC conference with attendees expected from all over Australia and South East Asia. This event is the leading business and educational conference focused entirely on mobile workforce management. Read Original Content

Frommer’s, the market leader in travel guides, and Inkling, the publisher behind interactive digital textbooks, have launched what they call “the first-ever truly interactive travel guides for iPhone and iPad.” More than 80 percent of international travelers use their smartphones while traveling abroad. Read Original Content

Mobile Marketing News Weekly – Week of April 29, 2012

The Mobile Marketing News Weekly is an online newsletter that is made up of the most interesting news, articles and links related to mobile marketing that I run across each week.  I am specifically targeting market size and market trend information.

Also read Enterprise Mobility Asia News Weekly
Also read Field Mobility and M2M News Weekly
Also read Mobile Commerce News Weekly
Also read Mobile Health News Weekly
Also read Mobility News Weekly

With over 258 million wireless lines in the U.S. alone, mobile marketing’s potential has never been so great. Plus text messaging, globally, has twice as many active users than traditional email campaigns and, unlike email most mobile users don’t feel like the message they receive on their mobile phones is spam. Read Original Content

Those marketing mobile applications via Google AdWords are getting some new weapons in their arsenal this week. Google has announced four new tools: a new Mobile App extension for AdWords, additional information to the click-to-download format, the ability to see Google Play stats in AdWords, and Custom Search Ads for mobile apps. Read Original Content

A report titled 'The State of Mobile Search Advertising in the US' dated March 2012 indicates about 12 percent of all Internet traffic in the United States comes from mobile devices that include smartphones and tablets. In addition, average click through rates on smartphones and tablets is higher than on desktops and laptops. Read Original Content

Verivo is a leading provider of enterprise mobility software. Verivo helps companies accelerate their business results. Its unique technology empowers teams to build, deploy, manage and update their mobile apps -- rapidly and securely. Verivo’s mobility platform is used by hundreds of companies in numerous industries, worldwide. This newsletter is sponsored in part by Verivo.  To learn more, visit

In Q1 2012, 36.8 percent of North American mobile ad impressions occurred on iOS devices, up 3.7 percentage points from 33.1 percent in Q4 2011, reports mobile ad network InMobi. 34.1 percent occurred on Android devices, up 1.6 percentage points from 32.5 percent; and 7.3 percent on BlackBerry devices, down 4.6 percentage points from 11.9 percent. Read Original Content

Last year, the buzzword in e-commerce was Groupon and its myriad of competitors that offered daily online coupons to entice shoppers in a down economy. Now, the latest fashion in retail is social gifting, where people get together on Facebook to buy each other gifts. Read Original Content

Local advertising is expected to dominate mobile ad spending. Google says 40 percent of mobile searches are for local information.  Miscrosoft says 53 percent.  Content consumption in mobile is different than wired and what stands out is the consumption of local information on mobile devices. Read Original Content

Kevin Benedict's Video Comments: The Black Hole of Mobile Apps

In this segment of the Video Comments series, I share that many different kinds of mobile applications may be useful in the enterprise, however, it is important to recognize the challenges each may bring.

Whitepaper of Note:  Enterprise Mobility and MEAPs - The Mobile Cloud Avatar  from Unvired - This whitepaper explains the options that you as a customer have and the considerations to be taken into account before choosing a MEAP. On premise, hosted and true cloud MEAP deployments are discussed in detail as well as Native vs. HTML development.

Kevin Benedict, Independent Mobile Industry Analyst, Consultant and SAP Mentor Alumnus
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
Full Disclosure: I am an independent mobility analyst, consultant and blogger. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Learning about The Real World of Enterprise Mobility in Scotland

Edinburgh, Scotland
It is valuable for me to leave the office and spend time with different IT teams wrestling with real world enterprise mobility challenges from time to time.  This week I had the privilege of working with a team in Scotland.  We explored the use of MEAPs (mobile enterprise application platforms), the role of HTML5, MDM (mobile device management), IDEs (integrated development environments), mobile business strategies, and how to create RFIs for mobile solutions.  This was the general overview, after those sessions, we jumped into how each of those components work in the real world - where nearly every company has a challenging mixture of back office applications and legacy systems.

In the real world there are many bespoke/custom software applications.  There are good software applications and bad.  There are software vendors that don't want to expose their data to other vendors or mobile apps.  There is corrupt and incomplete data. There are mobile applications that don't work well.  There are old, expensive handheld computers with out-dated mobile operating systems.  There are old mobile apps that only run on old handhelds.

Let me digress for a minute and just say - Microsoft has purposefully destroyed the ruggedized handheld industry.  They stopped developing upgrades to Windows Mobile 6.x and left the entire industry of handheld manufacturers desperate for something new to sell.  They chose to not provide an upgrade path, nor a replacement.  This is like laptop manufacturers trying to sell MS-DOS based laptops today.  It is bad for both the customer and for all the ruggedized handheld manufacturers.  Shame on you Microsoft.

Back to the subject of real world enterprise mobility.  In the real world - there will need to be multiple platforms that support mobile solutions in many companies.  They may need a campaign based mobile marketing platform.  They may want an HTML5 environment for online only mobile apps that is separate from their MEAP environment that supports field services with online/offline mobile app capabilities.  There may also be a B2C environment that is unique and focused on providing multimedia experiences, or mobile banking.

All of these real world discussions, with a Scottish accent, make for a great experience.

Kevin Benedict, Independent Mobile Industry Analyst, Consultant and SAP Mentor Alumnus
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
Full Disclosure: I am an independent mobility analyst, consultant and blogger. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

What's New in HTML5 - Week of April 30, 2012

I am in Scotland this week conducting workshops on mobile strategies.  I met with a large company with multiple enterprise mobility projects to connect back office ERPs and HR apps to mobile applications.  They have already determined they will be using HTML5 as their preferred mobile app development environment.  They already have experienced web developers so extending the skills of these developers into mobility makes perfect sense to them.

The meteoric rise of the number of apps for iOS and Android devices may present too much clutter for our networks and attention spans.  “There is no need for an “app” that is simply a shell to deliver Web content. In fact, many of these narrow-purpose apps can and should be Web-based applications (particularly built on HTML5) delivered through the browser.”  Read original content

Appcelerator has released the new version of its Titanium platform.  Titanium 2.0 includes support for HTML5 mobile web apps.  Read original content

Bluega’s pieOS provides a touchscreen user interface developed using HTML5 and usable across all mobile devices.  Read original con ten

Human resources enterprise solution provider Workday has released its newest update, Workday 16, delivering new features and enhancements including HTML5 for mobile.  Read original content and another article here.

TapEdition has launched HTML5 magazine app building capabilities allowing users to develop HTML5 based magazine apps compatible with all smartphone and tablet devices. Read original conten

Responsive Web Design is made possible by HTML5 and CSS3 and is already “having incredible impact on Web design and mobile marketing”.   Ron Jacobs, president of Jacobs & Clevenger, presents a case for HTML5 over mobile apps.  Read original content

Shivank Arya describes several non-UI features of HTML5 which can be used in almost all web applications.  The article covers features such as new web storage mechanisms, Web Workers allowing multiple threads, and offline availability of applications.  Read original content

CNET’s new mobile site melds native apps and mobile web, taking cues from mobile apps while allowing seamless navigation when clicking on a CNET link without installing an app.  Read original content

Mozilla has announced it will launch its HTML5-based mobile platform, Boot to Gecko, sometime between late 2012 and early 2013.  Read original content

LongTail Video’s latest State of HTML5 Video report reveals that close to 74 percent of the browser market now supports HTML5, and full-screen HTML5 video is now available from a majority of web browsers.  Read original content

Adobe’s Creative Suite 6 will include a new application, Adobe Muse, which will allow users to create HTML5-powered web sites without writing any code.  Read original content

Google is closing down its mobile web app for Google Talk, forcing users who wish to continue using Google Talk to use the native app.  Read original content

Magento has released HTML5 enhancements to its Enterprise and Community Edition platforms, enabling “mobile web capabilities integrated deep into the platform”.  Read original content

The W3C has posted an update on progress of the HTML5 specifications, and the HTML Working Group Chairs have developed a draft stabilization plan with a timeline for advancing the HTML5 specifications to W3C Recommendation.  Read original content

Kevin Benedict, Independent Mobile Industry Analyst, Consultant and SAP Mentor Alumnus
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
Full Disclosure: I am an independent mobility analyst, consultant and blogger. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Mobile Commerce News Weekly – Week of April 29, 2012

The Mobile Commerce News Weekly is an online newsletter made up of the most interesting news, articles and links related to mobile payments, mobile money, e-wallets, mobile banking and mobile security that I run across each week.  I am specifically targeting market size and market trend information.

Also read Enterprise Mobility Asia News Weekly
Also read Field Mobility and M2M News Weekly
Also read Mobile Marketing News Weekly
Also read Mobile Health News Weekly
Also read Mobility News Weekly

WorldPay has released its new survey, The Global Online Shopper Report, which surveyed 19,000 consumers and 153 senior decision makers from global retailers to identify the online and mobile shopping habits of consumers in the U.K., U.S., China, Germany, Spain, Finland, France, Japan, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Australia, Canada, Argentina and India. Read Original Content

NFC-enabled mobile payments may not have the kind of immediate impact the likes of Google and Isis are hoping for, according to Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers fellow Jack Winters. In an interview with Network World, Winters said that he sees no reason to switch from credit cards to NFC mobile payments, and that the technology won’t have a major impact on the payments landscape until it is available everywhere. Read Original Content

According a study from the University of California, Berkeley — which surveyed 1,203 "adult internet users" in the U.S. and was fully funded by Nokia — 74 percent of those questioned say that they don't plan on adopting any sort of mobile payment service. The main issue appears to be one of privacy. Read Original Content

Verivo is a leading provider of enterprise mobility software. Verivo helps companies accelerate their business results. Its unique technology empowers teams to build, deploy, manage and update their mobile apps -- rapidly and securely. Verivo’s mobility platform is used by hundreds of companies in numerous industries, worldwide. This newsletter is sponsored in part by Verivo.  To learn more, visit

According to the Financial Times, Google and PayPal have reportedly been whispering to the EU that allowing the UK operators to band together and promote NFC payments would be anti-competitive and shouldn't be allowed. Read Original Content

Another major acquisition has been confirmed in the mCommerce space. Precision consumer marketing firm Catalina Marketing Corporation announced its acquisition of mCommerce outfit Modiv Media. Read Original Content

Research In Motion has announced a new device called the BlackBerry Music Gateway that can stream music wirelessly using NFC and Bluetooth technology. The gadget will cost $50 and debuts in June. Read Original Content

Free Range Eggs with Benedict Series 2012

Edinburgh, Scotland
I have begun the 2012 "Free Range Eggs with Benedict" speaking series.  These are both public and private enterprise mobility workshops scheduled in inconvenient locations.   Last week I spoke in Atlanta, Georgia, this week in beautiful Edinburgh, next week in Las Vegas, then Barcelona, Rotterdam, Boston, Washington DC and London.

The 2011 "Eggs with Benedict" enterprise mobility series was a lot of fun (5 countries in 5 days), but kind of tiring.  This year 5 countries over a period of about 5 weeks.  Stayed tuned...

Today, we had some very interesting discussions.  At least I think they were.  I couldn't understand much of it, but we laughed a lot!

Seriously, we discussed how to merge the mobile requirements of a line-of-business, with their unique enterprise mobility requirements, with the company's need for mobile standards.  Each group is pulled in different directions based upon immediate and long term enterprise mobility ambitions. 

I also heard of a very funny proof of concept.  A manufacturer loaned out several rugged tablets to be tested.  These rugged tablets had touch screens, but the touch screens would not work until you logged in.  The result is you needed portable keyboards to login, but then you could use the touch screen.  IS THAT CRAZY OR WHAT!?  Those tablets did not make the short list.
Kevin Benedict, Independent Mobile Industry Analyst, Consultant and SAP Mentor Alumnus
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
Full Disclosure: I am an independent mobility analyst, consultant and blogger. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Interviews with Kevin Benedict