Kevin Benedict is a TCS futurist, humorist and lecturer focused on the signals and foresight that emerge as society, geopolitics, economies, science, technology, environment, and philosophy converge.
Covid-19, Demographics, Risk Analysis and Mobile Apps
The 18 Laws for Winning with Data, Speed and Mobility
- Data is the modern commercial battlefield.
- Information dominance is the strategic goal.
- Real-time operations and tempos are the targets.
- Advantages in speed, analytics, business operational tempos determine the winners.
- Real-time business speed is enabled by advances in mobile information, sensors and wireless communications.
- Competition is now focused on optimizing information logistics systems (the systems involved in maximizing information advantages).
- Businesses that can “understand and act with speed” dominate those which are slower.
- In order to win or gain superiority over competitors in the age of information, you must operate information logistics systems at a faster tempo, and get inside your competitor's decision curves. (Adapted from John Boyd)
- Situational awareness enables insights, innovations and operations to be conducted faster and at lower cost .
- Principle of Acceleration & Mobility – As demand for mobile apps increases, an even greater demand for changes will occur across business processes, operations and IT.
- The more data that is collected and analyzed, the greater the economic value and innovation opportunity it has in aggregate.
- Data has a shelf-life, and the economic value of data diminishes quickly over time.
- The economic value of information multiplies when combined with context and right time delivery.
- Mobile apps provide only as much value as the systems behind them.
- Full Spectrum Information: Winners will dominate by collecting, transmitting, analyzing, reporting and automating decision making faster and better.
- The size of opponents and their systems and platforms are less representative of power today, than the quality of their sensor systems, mobile communication links and their ability to use information to their advantage.
- Information is a new asset class, in that it has measurable economic value. There are significant strategic, operational and financial reasons for investing in it, and optimizing it. (Douglas Laney, Gartner)
- If I can develop and pursue my plan to defeat you faster than you can execute your plan to defeat me, then your plan in unimportant. ~ Robert Leonard
Download the new report "Cutting Through Chaos in the Age of Mobile Me" -
Connecting the Strategic to the Tactical - Enterprise Mobility

Here is one of the article concepts as interpreted by me - mobile technologies permit a direct connection and data exchange between the strategic and the tactical levels of an organization. Many layers of management hierarchy, IT infrastructure and paper based reporting processes can be eliminated and huge savings and speed of data delivery can occur with mobile technologies. These capabilities permit changes in processes, organizations and strategies, which enables agility, speed, productivity increases and efficiency gains.
Let me share a quote from Matt Green, VP of Product Management with Software AG, "Imagine a single activity stream that carries an alert every time a customer calls in with a product issue. For the first time the customer sales rep, the R&D organization, the consulting organization, and the customer support rep can all opt to receive the same notification. The sales rep knows that his customer is having an issue at the same time that R&D reads about it and at the same time that the on-site consultant gets it. The visibility and transparency that this gives allows each participant to work together as a team and to work as a unified team with the customer." That is a great example of shared situational awareness!
How many good ideas from the tactical part of a business never reach the strategic level because of politics, laziness, ego, lack of time, ignorance or they simply get lost in the noise? How many strategic messages get missed or diluted trying to filter through all the layers of management before they reach the tactical teams? With both mobile technologies and the effective use of enterprise social collaboration solutions many of these problems can be resolved.
Here is more from Matt Green, "People used to say that email was collaboration. Then chat became collaboration. Then wiki’s came to the scene as an attempt to work together more efficiently. New social platforms will break the mode entirely in 2013 and dramatically increase how people work together with computers and mobile devices.”
I think of the Pony Express implemented in the United States during the 19th century for mail delivery. The Pony Express had more than 100 stations, 80 riders, and between 400 and 500 horses. It lasted only 18 months but during that time riders covered 650,000 miles and carried 34,753 pieces of mail. This legendary system lasted only 18 months. Why? The telegraph replaced them. If you could instantly send a message across the country, why use expensive horse-based middleware?
How many of our companies are still using horse-based middleware and managing as if we were using horse-based middleware? Real-time communications, real-time visibility, real-time collaboration completely changes the game. Are you playing?
Competitive Decision Making and Enterprise Mobility
Last year's report by the Aberdeen Group titled Mobility in ERP 2011 also touched on this point with three specific statements:
- Getting the right information, to the right people, so they can make the right decisions is the driving force behind mobilizing the workforce.
- Why is there a need for mobility? Much of it is related to volatility. The need to be able to react as quickly as possible to issues without being tethered to a desktop.
- Mobile solutions should provide workers with information to make good and timely decisions.

How do you put these kinds of values into an ROI for enterprise mobility? Boyd said, "How one thinks is critical to your success in competition. Well trained and well-educated people, who think well and quickly are the most important assets." I suggest that mobile solutions and up-to-date information shared on mobile devices can help well-trained people react quickly to issues.
Boyd further taught that competitive decision-making enables the benefit of compressing time and using it as an ally. What he meant was the ability to get more done in the same amount of time. "Advantages in observation and orientation (OODA) enable a tempo in decision-making and execution that outpaces the ability of your competition to react effectively." Advantages in observation and orientation can be providing by having real-time data exchanges, real-time business analytics, and connect mobile apps.
I ask the difficult question again, "How does one show an ROI on enterprise mobility solutions by providing quicker, faster, better thinking?"
Kevin Benedict's What's New in HTML5 - Week of August 5, 2012
Mobile Strategies, PIOs, Optimized Intersections and Patterns of Life, Part 2
In the intelligence community, patterns of life refers to the study or analysis of the patterns observed in a person's or object's life. For example, a building may be observed over time through the camera of a UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) and people can be seen entering and leaving the building at particular times. The people leaving the building drive specific vehicles and come and go from specific locations. Over the course of a month or longer, patterns and participants can become clear and this offers valuable information to the analyst.
A company does not require a UAV to be able to observe "patterns of life." GPS and workforce tracking solutions, customer behaviors, data capture technologies and smartphones enable you, over a period of time to observe the patterns of life of your workforce, vehicles, equipment and customers. Here is a list of pattern of life examples:
- Hours equipment is in operation, moving and sitting idle.
- Workforce driving habits.
- Time of day that customers want deliveries.
- Route speeds between delivery points at different times of the day
- Locations where company vehicles refuel.
- Places where service technicians purchase parts, materials and supplies.
- Driving time vs. billable work time.
- Ideal locations for company warehouses, suppliers and sales offices based upon proximity to work and customers.
Once this data is collected and analyzed, patters of life can emerge that were never before recognized. The next step is to represent these patterns on a map. Barry Barlow, a Director at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) says, "If you go into any operations center today you will see people using a Google Earth representation of what’s going on in the world." Just seeing the patterns and activities visually represented is powerful.
Patterns of Life only emerge if you have visibility into operations in the field. This data is most often collected through GPS vehicle and equipment tracking, and mobile device data collection.
Mobile Apps and the Marriage of My Virtual and Physical Worlds
The application could also show me user comments and ratings of those locations, and overlay crime and safety statistics of those geographic areas so I can weigh the risk of going there. Is the Thai food worth getting mugged, hit by a car or a falling tree limb?
While we are at it, let's predict the clothes I should wear based upon the weather forecast and time of year!
I can see it now - you should be able to set different safety ratings. You can configure the mobile application to show just the safest locations based upon accident, crime and health inspection data, or you can live on the wild side.This kind of mobile application is taking the next step. It is converging the virtual world with my physical world and adding my preferences and interests. It is being predictive. It is using real time analytics based on "big data."
Does this mobile app exist? I look forward to hearing from you!!!
Mobile Applications that Blend Data and Services from Multiple Sources
This is important. I have been writing for some time about convergent devices, however, it is most often in the context of mobile devices and hardware accessories like GPS, bar code readers, digital cameras, voice memos, WiFi and other Bluetooth devices. The blending of data and services from multiple sources combined with convergent hardware is even much bigger.
Let's think about a simple scenario -
- Field service technician (X) orders a part for a furnace online from his smartphone. He will complete the job when it arrives.
- The part is shipped and an alert email notifies field service technician X which day it will arrive.
- Field service technician X notifies the customer via email about the status and notes this information in the mobile CRM application.
- When the part arrives, the dispatcher gives it to a field service technician Y as Y is is going to work at a location close to where field service technician X is working.
- Field service technician X is wirelessly sent a service ticket to finish the job, and notified that the part is with field service technician Y at the following GPS coordinates.
- Field service technician X and Y meet up and the job is completed.
In this example, the field service technicians have smartphones with mobile Internet, wireless work order dispatch, GPS integration, mobile email, online parts tracking and mobile CRM. They have blended data from multiple sources and services.
The more business processes that are mobilized, the more mobile data services will be used by the mobile workforce. This will require faster and more powerful smartphones. Mobile enterprise application platforms will need to be able to manage and integrate data from multiple sources and integrate them into one mobile application. This requires some interesting software development.
I believe that the integration of multiple sources of data and services begs for mobile analytics. Business analytics will interpret the data and recommend action steps based upon this analysis. I invite software developers who have expertise in these areas to comment.
Author Kevin Benedict
Independent Mobile Strategist, Sales, Marketing and Business Consultant
Interviews with Kevin Benedict
Kevin's Mobile Retailing News Weekly is an online newsletter that is made up of the most interesting news, articles and links related to...
In this interview, we sit down with Gartner’s Deepak Seth to explore the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its far-re...
In this episode of FOBtv, Jasen Williams, the Global VP of Corporate Marketing at Verint, shares his insights on the evolving landscape of c...