The Field Mobility News Weekly is an online newsletter made up of the most interesting news and articles related to field mobility that I run across each week. I am specifically targeting information that reflects market data and trends.
Also read Enterprise Mobility Asia News Weekly
Also read M2M News Weekly
Also read Mobile Commerce News Weekly
Also read Mobile Health News Weekly
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Also read SMAC News Weekly
Maryland’s Baltimore County has installed GPS technology in over 900 of its government vehicles. Officials expect to save close to $100,000 per year in taxpayer dollars for fuel costs in addition to saving employees’ time. Read Original Content
Raytheon UK has been awarded a contract by the UK Ministry of Defense for a new GPS Anti-Jam Antenna System for use by land vehicles. Read Original Content
Milan’s Ambrosiana Art Gallery provides RFID-enabled smartphones to enable guests to learn about the works of art and save a list of pieces they like, to use at the museum store to purchase prints. Read Original Content
ILS Technology provides ready-to-use cloud based platforms to implement and manage M2M (machine to machine) and embedded wireless devices that connect to SAP. ILS Technology simplifies deployments and offers unparalleled security to protect company and customer data and to ensure regulatory compliance. This newsletter is sponsored in part by ILS Technology.
The Vatican will use new ID cards with RFID technology for clergy and employees beginning in the new year. Read Original Content
The Transfusion Medicine RFID Consortium reported the results of an RFID pilot, finding the use of RFID resulted in a 33 percent reduction of issues or misplaced products at blood-donation points, and final inventory check-in efficiency increased by 63 percent. Read Original Content
GIS technology can be the basis for revolutionizing how government processes work through its ability for accessing and producing maps, leveraging database information and automating work processes. Read Original Content
A group of four students from Tennessee’s Austin Peay State University conducted a research study comparing the accuracy of GPS enabled devices, including smartphones and tablets, for field use. The results were presented at the Geological Society of America’s national conference in Charlotte, NC. Read Original Content
Edgetech America’s GIS spell-checker MapSpeller has been updated. The new version 4.0 includes support for 11 languages and the extended ability to correct maps and GIS data geographically. Read Original Content
Kevin Benedict is a TCS futurist, humorist and lecturer focused on the signals and foresight that emerge as society, geopolitics, economies, science, technology, environment, and philosophy converge.
Showing posts with label ILS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ILS. Show all posts
Information Operations: The Fifth Dimension of Warfare

- Land
- Sea
- Air
- Space
- Information
The fifth dimension, information, has direct relevance to enterprise mobility and mobile strategies. In the military conference I spoke at last week, the other speakers taught me the importance of dominating the fifth dimension. It is a compettive battlefield (market) and dominance is required.
In an article I read this morning titled, Information Operations: The Fifth Dimension of Warfare, by General Ronald R. Fogleman, Air Force chief of staff, he relates the following, "[In the past] the Ninth Tactical Air Force required two to three days to combine information and combat firepower to do the job they had to do. Today we synchronize forces in hours if not minutes. With our information operations we dramatically reduce the time required to detect and to destroy a target." That is a fifth dimension competitive advantage.
Here is another excerpt from the article, "[Winston] Churchill is quoted saying, 'In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.'" The Allies viewed their strategy for the use of information as the cornerstone of their success.
Another point made by General Foleman is that it is important to recognize information has a shelf life and if you can't use it in a timely manner, the information is wasted. Let me provide an example. If you have a service technician that finished a job early, but reports it only at the end of the work shift, that information is wasted. No work schedule optimization can be instigated at the end of the shift. That information had a shelf life that came and went.
Information advantages enabled by mobile technologies and communication are incredibly powerful. Historically, [military] commanders have been constrained by their ability to service and understand markets. Today things are different. Mobile technologies, real time information, Big Data, and business analytics enable managers to visualize remote and distant events in real time. This same information advantage concept allows companies to expand their markets and geographic reach. In my workshops I call this "force projection" - another term I stole from military jargon.
With the emergence of social media, there are even more new real time information based environments to be concerned with. I read this comment the other day by Zach Hofer-Shall, a social intelligence analyst at Forrester Research, "Deriving predictive marketing decisions from social analytics is not the same as social media monitoring. Most companies remain stuck reactively monitoring what happened yesterday." My first thought was he sounds like a social media snob, but then I understood what he was saying (I never claimed to be fast). He is saying there are ways of utilizing information that can predict events in the future, and this predictive capability is not just reviewing old information. It is a different way of using data that can potentially provide another information advantage. Wow!
Mobile technologies can provide information advantages if the rest of your IT and management environment can support the process, analysis and utilization of real time information.
Mobile technologies are enablers, but there are most often significant change management issues to deal with in the companies I have worked with. There is usually work to be done to ensure systems can support the "real time enterprise model" and that we can transform our decision making and management processes to utilize real time information as a competitive advantage.
Kevin Benedict,
Head Analyst for SMAC,
The Future of Work
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
Join the Linkedin Group Strategic Enterprise Mobility
Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and SMAC analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.
M2M News Weekly – Week of December 9, 2012
Welcome to M2M News Weekly, an online newsletter that consists of the most interesting news and articles related to M2M (machine to machine) and embedded mobile devices. I aggregate the information, include the original links and add a synopsis of each article. I also search for the latest market numbers such as market size, growth and trends in and around the M2M market.
Also read Enterprise Mobility Asia News Weekly
Also read Field Mobility News Weekly
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Also read Mobility News Weekly
Also read SMAC News Weekly
The number of smart meter deployments across 35 emerging market countries in 2013 will be more than double the number of deployments in 2012, according to Northeast Group's annual Emerging Markets Smart Grid: Outlook 2013 study. Read Original Content
With growing risk of cyber attack on grids and substations, the market for smart grid ICS cyber security is expected to reach $608 million by 2020 rising from $369 million in 2012, according to a new report by Pike Research. Read Original Content
Smart meters are considered to be the first step towards smart grid implementation. The smart meter rollout in Europe is well underway, boosted by the European Union legislation to achieve 80 percent coverage by 2020. Sweden and Italy had full-scale penetration in 2010, while Finland, Norway, and Denmark are likely to achieve their targets by 2016. Read Original Content
Founded in 1979, DSI is a global provider of Enterprise Mobility Solutions®, helping companies worldwide increase productivity and profitability regardless of data source, device type, operating system or network connectivity. DSI serves clients globally through its offices in Australia, Canada, China, France, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States. This newsletter is sponsored in part by DSI.
Carriers such as Vodafone, Deutsche Telekom , AT&T, Verizon, China Mobile, and France Telecom are betting M2M will be a significant source of growth as the number of connected devices climbs to 12 billion or more by 2020. Read Original Content
The number of M2M connections worldwide is expected to more than triple by 2016 compared to the figure in 2011, according to a new report from IMS Research, as carriers look to M2M for growth opportunities. Read Original Content
Global M2M revenues will soar from $200 million in 2011 to $1.2 trillion in 2022, according to new research from Machina Research. The revenue explosion will occur as the number of M2M connections rises from 2 billion at the end of 2011 to around 18 billion by the end of 2022. Read Original Content
Worldwide smart meter shipments surpassed 15.4 million units in the third quarter of 2012, representing year-over-year growth of 126.9 percent and a 58.6 percent increase over the second quarter, according to the IDC Energy Insights Worldwide Quarterly Smart Meter Tracker. Read Original Content
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Also read Field Mobility News Weekly
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Also read SMAC News Weekly
The number of smart meter deployments across 35 emerging market countries in 2013 will be more than double the number of deployments in 2012, according to Northeast Group's annual Emerging Markets Smart Grid: Outlook 2013 study. Read Original Content
With growing risk of cyber attack on grids and substations, the market for smart grid ICS cyber security is expected to reach $608 million by 2020 rising from $369 million in 2012, according to a new report by Pike Research. Read Original Content
Smart meters are considered to be the first step towards smart grid implementation. The smart meter rollout in Europe is well underway, boosted by the European Union legislation to achieve 80 percent coverage by 2020. Sweden and Italy had full-scale penetration in 2010, while Finland, Norway, and Denmark are likely to achieve their targets by 2016. Read Original Content
Founded in 1979, DSI is a global provider of Enterprise Mobility Solutions®, helping companies worldwide increase productivity and profitability regardless of data source, device type, operating system or network connectivity. DSI serves clients globally through its offices in Australia, Canada, China, France, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States. This newsletter is sponsored in part by DSI.
Carriers such as Vodafone, Deutsche Telekom , AT&T, Verizon, China Mobile, and France Telecom are betting M2M will be a significant source of growth as the number of connected devices climbs to 12 billion or more by 2020. Read Original Content
The number of M2M connections worldwide is expected to more than triple by 2016 compared to the figure in 2011, according to a new report from IMS Research, as carriers look to M2M for growth opportunities. Read Original Content
Global M2M revenues will soar from $200 million in 2011 to $1.2 trillion in 2022, according to new research from Machina Research. The revenue explosion will occur as the number of M2M connections rises from 2 billion at the end of 2011 to around 18 billion by the end of 2022. Read Original Content
Worldwide smart meter shipments surpassed 15.4 million units in the third quarter of 2012, representing year-over-year growth of 126.9 percent and a 58.6 percent increase over the second quarter, according to the IDC Energy Insights Worldwide Quarterly Smart Meter Tracker. Read Original Content
M2M News Weekly – Week of November 25, 2012
Welcome to M2M News Weekly, an online newsletter that consists of the most interesting news and articles related to M2M (machine to machine) and embedded mobile devices. I aggregate the information, include the original links and add a synopsis of each article. I also search for the latest market numbers such as market size, growth and trends in and around the M2M market.
Also read Enterprise Mobility Asia News Weekly
Also read Field Mobility News Weekly
Also read Mobile Commerce News Weekly
Also read Mobile Health News Weekly
Also read Mobility News Weekly
Also read SMAC News Weekly
Compass Intelligence, a global consulting and market analytics firm, released its latest forecast of the M2M market today. The cellular M2M market will reach 33.3 million connections in the U.S. in 2012 and grow to 114.7 million connections by 2016 with an annual growth rate of over 36 percent. Read Original Content
Northside Independent School District in San Antonio, Texas last month instituted a policy that requires students to wear ID cards implanted with a radio-frequency identification chip. Sophomore Andrea Hernandez refused to wear the device and was suspended. Read Original Content
Shipments of satellite-based communications nodes used for smart grid applications are forecast to more than quadruple between now and 2020, according to a new study from Pike Research. The market-research company expects node shipments to rise from about 11,500 in 2012 to nearly 48,000 by 2020. Read Original Content
ILS Technology provides ready-to-use cloud based platforms to implement and manage M2M (machine to machine) and embedded wireless devices that connect to SAP. ILS Technology simplifies deployments and offers unparalleled security to protect company and customer data and to ensure regulatory compliance. This newsletter is sponsored in part by ILS Technology.
ProximaRF, a subsidiary of Tranzbyte Corporation, is working on the development of an RFID reader that could successfully track shipments of legally grown and distributed marijuana from the time the product is harvested to the time it is delivered to retailers. Read Original Content
U.K. mobile operator Three is rolling out a cloud-based M2M platform. The new platform reduces set-up time and costs for mobile virtual network operators and gives them control of their connections, such as activating and deactivating their connections, tracking data usage, setting alerts and applying data limits. Read Original Content
Last year there were roughly 110 million cellular-connected M2M connections in the world. ABI Research, a New York-based follower of technology trends, thinks we’ll see more than 365 million by 2016. Read Original Content
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Also read Field Mobility News Weekly
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Also read Mobility News Weekly
Also read SMAC News Weekly
Compass Intelligence, a global consulting and market analytics firm, released its latest forecast of the M2M market today. The cellular M2M market will reach 33.3 million connections in the U.S. in 2012 and grow to 114.7 million connections by 2016 with an annual growth rate of over 36 percent. Read Original Content
Northside Independent School District in San Antonio, Texas last month instituted a policy that requires students to wear ID cards implanted with a radio-frequency identification chip. Sophomore Andrea Hernandez refused to wear the device and was suspended. Read Original Content
Shipments of satellite-based communications nodes used for smart grid applications are forecast to more than quadruple between now and 2020, according to a new study from Pike Research. The market-research company expects node shipments to rise from about 11,500 in 2012 to nearly 48,000 by 2020. Read Original Content
ILS Technology provides ready-to-use cloud based platforms to implement and manage M2M (machine to machine) and embedded wireless devices that connect to SAP. ILS Technology simplifies deployments and offers unparalleled security to protect company and customer data and to ensure regulatory compliance. This newsletter is sponsored in part by ILS Technology.
ProximaRF, a subsidiary of Tranzbyte Corporation, is working on the development of an RFID reader that could successfully track shipments of legally grown and distributed marijuana from the time the product is harvested to the time it is delivered to retailers. Read Original Content
U.K. mobile operator Three is rolling out a cloud-based M2M platform. The new platform reduces set-up time and costs for mobile virtual network operators and gives them control of their connections, such as activating and deactivating their connections, tracking data usage, setting alerts and applying data limits. Read Original Content
Last year there were roughly 110 million cellular-connected M2M connections in the world. ABI Research, a New York-based follower of technology trends, thinks we’ll see more than 365 million by 2016. Read Original Content
Field Mobility News Weekly – Week of November 25, 2012
The Field Mobility News Weekly is an online newsletter made up of the most interesting news and articles related to field mobility that I run across each week. I am specifically targeting information that reflects market data and trends.
Also read Enterprise Mobility Asia News Weekly
Also read M2M News Weekly
Also read Mobile Commerce News Weekly
Also read Mobile Health News Weekly
Also read Mobility News Weekly
Also read SMAC News Weekly
Survey technology firm Terrametrix is utilizing mobile mapping system StreetMapper to perform detailed surveys of 7,250 bridges throughout the state of California. Read Original Content
In 2011, 21 million consumers used smartphones to scan a QR barcode, and the number is forecast to increase to 26 million. Read Original Content
City officials in Hattiesburg, Mississippi used National GIS Day to explain to residents how GIS technology provides access to statistical and physical data to city planners to aid in planning for proposed bike lanes, transit routes and street improvements. Read Original Content
ClickSoftware is an SAP mobility partner and the leading provider of automated workforce management and optimization solutions for every size of service business. This newsletter is sponsored in part by ClickSoftware.
As the standalone GPS market wanes, device makers are working with auto manufacturers to provide in-car navigation features as an alternative. Read Original Content
Information Mediary Corp. is developing an NFC version of its drug-tracking products to enable customers to use NFC-enabled phones to track medication usage in clinical trials. Read Original Content
Government agencies are finding many ways to utilize QR codes, including incorporating the codes on business cards, using the codes to provide information about park services, sports leagues, trails, and historic markers, and even using QR codes to enable citizens to make tax payments. Read Original Content
Geospatial firm NAG has developed a new software platform which will be used on the International Space Station in January 2013. The software will enhance the observation and collection of high-resolution imagery of the Earth for research and education. Read Original Content
Also read Enterprise Mobility Asia News Weekly
Also read M2M News Weekly
Also read Mobile Commerce News Weekly
Also read Mobile Health News Weekly
Also read Mobility News Weekly
Also read SMAC News Weekly
Survey technology firm Terrametrix is utilizing mobile mapping system StreetMapper to perform detailed surveys of 7,250 bridges throughout the state of California. Read Original Content
In 2011, 21 million consumers used smartphones to scan a QR barcode, and the number is forecast to increase to 26 million. Read Original Content
City officials in Hattiesburg, Mississippi used National GIS Day to explain to residents how GIS technology provides access to statistical and physical data to city planners to aid in planning for proposed bike lanes, transit routes and street improvements. Read Original Content
ClickSoftware is an SAP mobility partner and the leading provider of automated workforce management and optimization solutions for every size of service business. This newsletter is sponsored in part by ClickSoftware.
As the standalone GPS market wanes, device makers are working with auto manufacturers to provide in-car navigation features as an alternative. Read Original Content
Information Mediary Corp. is developing an NFC version of its drug-tracking products to enable customers to use NFC-enabled phones to track medication usage in clinical trials. Read Original Content
Government agencies are finding many ways to utilize QR codes, including incorporating the codes on business cards, using the codes to provide information about park services, sports leagues, trails, and historic markers, and even using QR codes to enable citizens to make tax payments. Read Original Content
Geospatial firm NAG has developed a new software platform which will be used on the International Space Station in January 2013. The software will enhance the observation and collection of high-resolution imagery of the Earth for research and education. Read Original Content
M2M News Weekly – Week of Week of November 4, 2012
Welcome to M2M News Weekly, an online newsletter that consists of the most interesting news and articles related to M2M (machine to machine) and embedded mobile devices. I aggregate the information, include the original links and add a synopsis of each article. I also search for the latest market numbers such as market size, growth and trends in and around the M2M market.
Also read Enterprise Mobility Asia News Weekly
Also read Field Mobility News Weekly
Also read Mobile Commerce News Weekly
Also read Mobile Health News Weekly
Also read Mobility News Weekly
The M2M network security market is on a set course for growth of $752 million by 2017, according to a report by ABI Research. Read Original Content
The market value for Intelligent Transport Systems deployed in public transport operations in Europe was worth nearly $1 billion in 2011. Growing at a compound annual growth rate of 15 percent, this number is expected to reach $1.9 billion by 2016. Read Original Content
Numerex has announced it has added 121,000 M2M subscriptions during Q3, representing 31 percent overall growth. Read Original Content
ILS Technology provides ready-to-use cloud based platforms to implement and manage M2M (machine to machine) and embedded wireless devices that connect to SAP. ILS Technology simplifies deployments and offers unparalleled security to protect company and customer data and to ensure regulatory compliance. This newsletter is sponsored in part by ILS Technology.
According to Northern Sky Research, the global satellite SCADA/M2M market is expected to reach $2.7 billion in 2021, growing more than two-fold from today’s $1.2 billion annual revenue base. Read Original Content
The wireless industry could see a $1.2 trillion revenue opportunity out of the connected devices market by 2020. Within this market, M2M will be instrumental in enabling communications across wider "horizontal" platforms in several key sectors. Read Original Content
The market for M2M and embedded devices is set to quadruple over the next five years according to a new report from Juniper Research. It will rise from just over 100 million units currently to reach 400 million units by Q1 2018. Read Original Content
Two types of software platforms, Application Development Platforms and Connected Device Platforms that underpin the development of the M2M market are forecast to generate $3.85 billion in revenues by 2017, according to a new report from ABI Research. Read Original Content
Founded in 1979, DSI is a global provider of Enterprise Mobility Solutions®, helping companies worldwide increase productivity and profitability regardless of data source, device type, operating system or network connectivity. DSI serves clients globally through its offices in Australia, Canada, China, France, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States. This newsletter is sponsored in part by DSI.
TechNavio's analysts forecast the Global Smart Grid Communications market will grow at a compound annual rate of 13.37 percent over the period 2011-2015. One of the key factors contributing to this market growth is the increase in smart grid construction. Read Original Content
The market for smart grid technologies that help integrate renewable energy sources will grow steadily over the next six years - from $3.8 billion this year to just under $13 billion in 2018, according to a new report from Pike Research. Read Original Content
Inmarsat and SkyWave claim to have sold 12,000 of their IsatData Pro terminals aimed at satisfying M2M needs in the transportation, oil and gas, utilities and mining sectors so far this year. Read Original Content
Recent Articles by Kevin Benedict
Gartner's New 2012 Magic Quadrant for Field Services
Mobile Expert Video Series: Andrew Fox
Finally a Modern HTML5 Answer for Windows Mobile Users
Enterprise Mobility a Mighty Shift
Mobile Expert Video Series: Dr. Ahmed El Adl
Mobile Expert Video Series: SAP and SMAC Compilation
Mobile Expert Video Series: Raj Bala
Kevin Benedict's What's New in HTML5 - Week of October 21, 2012
Also read Enterprise Mobility Asia News Weekly
Also read Field Mobility News Weekly
Also read Mobile Commerce News Weekly
Also read Mobile Health News Weekly
Also read Mobility News Weekly
The M2M network security market is on a set course for growth of $752 million by 2017, according to a report by ABI Research. Read Original Content
The market value for Intelligent Transport Systems deployed in public transport operations in Europe was worth nearly $1 billion in 2011. Growing at a compound annual growth rate of 15 percent, this number is expected to reach $1.9 billion by 2016. Read Original Content
Numerex has announced it has added 121,000 M2M subscriptions during Q3, representing 31 percent overall growth. Read Original Content
ILS Technology provides ready-to-use cloud based platforms to implement and manage M2M (machine to machine) and embedded wireless devices that connect to SAP. ILS Technology simplifies deployments and offers unparalleled security to protect company and customer data and to ensure regulatory compliance. This newsletter is sponsored in part by ILS Technology.
According to Northern Sky Research, the global satellite SCADA/M2M market is expected to reach $2.7 billion in 2021, growing more than two-fold from today’s $1.2 billion annual revenue base. Read Original Content
The wireless industry could see a $1.2 trillion revenue opportunity out of the connected devices market by 2020. Within this market, M2M will be instrumental in enabling communications across wider "horizontal" platforms in several key sectors. Read Original Content
The market for M2M and embedded devices is set to quadruple over the next five years according to a new report from Juniper Research. It will rise from just over 100 million units currently to reach 400 million units by Q1 2018. Read Original Content
Two types of software platforms, Application Development Platforms and Connected Device Platforms that underpin the development of the M2M market are forecast to generate $3.85 billion in revenues by 2017, according to a new report from ABI Research. Read Original Content
Founded in 1979, DSI is a global provider of Enterprise Mobility Solutions®, helping companies worldwide increase productivity and profitability regardless of data source, device type, operating system or network connectivity. DSI serves clients globally through its offices in Australia, Canada, China, France, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States. This newsletter is sponsored in part by DSI.
TechNavio's analysts forecast the Global Smart Grid Communications market will grow at a compound annual rate of 13.37 percent over the period 2011-2015. One of the key factors contributing to this market growth is the increase in smart grid construction. Read Original Content
The market for smart grid technologies that help integrate renewable energy sources will grow steadily over the next six years - from $3.8 billion this year to just under $13 billion in 2018, according to a new report from Pike Research. Read Original Content
Inmarsat and SkyWave claim to have sold 12,000 of their IsatData Pro terminals aimed at satisfying M2M needs in the transportation, oil and gas, utilities and mining sectors so far this year. Read Original Content
Recent Articles by Kevin Benedict
Gartner's New 2012 Magic Quadrant for Field Services
Mobile Expert Video Series: Andrew Fox
Finally a Modern HTML5 Answer for Windows Mobile Users
Enterprise Mobility a Mighty Shift
Mobile Expert Video Series: Dr. Ahmed El Adl
Mobile Expert Video Series: SAP and SMAC Compilation
Mobile Expert Video Series: Raj Bala
Kevin Benedict's What's New in HTML5 - Week of October 21, 2012
Whitepapers of Note
Kevin Benedict,
Head Analyst for SMAC,
The Future of Work
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
Join the Linkedin Group Strategic Enterprise Mobility
Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and SMAC analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.
M2M News Weekly – Week of September 30, 2012
Welcome to M2M News Weekly, an online newsletter that consists of the most interesting news and articles related to M2M (machine to machine) and embedded mobile devices. I aggregate the information, include the original links and add a synopsis of each article. I also search for the latest market numbers such as market size, growth and trends in and around the M2M market.
Also read Enterprise Mobility Asia News Weekly
Also read Field Mobility News Weekly
Also read Mobile Commerce News Weekly
Also read Mobile Health News Weekly
Also read Mobility News Weekly
According to a new report from Pike Research, worldwide sales of smart appliances will climb rapidly over the remainder of this decade, reaching just under 45 million units per year in 2020. Read Original Content
The global machine-to-machine wireless network services market is expected to grow 29.4 percent per year through 2015, according to a report by research firm TechNavio. Read Original Content
The International Telecommunications Union has predicted there will be as staggering 25 billion devices online by 2020 as the Internet of things revolution takes off. Read Original Content
ILS Technology provides ready-to-use cloud based platforms to implement and manage M2M (machine to machine) and embedded wireless devices that connect to SAP. ILS Technology simplifies deployments and offers unparalleled security to protect company and customer data and to ensure regulatory compliance. This newsletter is sponsored in part by ILS Technology.
The worldwide market for smart grid data analytics will grow steadily through 2020, with cumulative worldwide spending from 2012 through 2020 totaling just over $34 billion, according to a report from Pike Research. Read Original Content
According to the Metering Europe event director the true value of the global smart grid market is expected to be $100 billion by 2020. Read Original Content
The smart metering market in Southeast Asia will reach $6.9 billion by 2022, according to a new study released today by Northeast Group. Read Original Content
China's smart grid components market is seen to achieve a compound annual growth rate of 6 percent between 2011 and 2021 reaching $1.43 trillion, SBI Energy says in a market study. Read Original Content
Also read Enterprise Mobility Asia News Weekly
Also read Field Mobility News Weekly
Also read Mobile Commerce News Weekly
Also read Mobile Health News Weekly
Also read Mobility News Weekly
According to a new report from Pike Research, worldwide sales of smart appliances will climb rapidly over the remainder of this decade, reaching just under 45 million units per year in 2020. Read Original Content
The global machine-to-machine wireless network services market is expected to grow 29.4 percent per year through 2015, according to a report by research firm TechNavio. Read Original Content
The International Telecommunications Union has predicted there will be as staggering 25 billion devices online by 2020 as the Internet of things revolution takes off. Read Original Content
ILS Technology provides ready-to-use cloud based platforms to implement and manage M2M (machine to machine) and embedded wireless devices that connect to SAP. ILS Technology simplifies deployments and offers unparalleled security to protect company and customer data and to ensure regulatory compliance. This newsletter is sponsored in part by ILS Technology.
The worldwide market for smart grid data analytics will grow steadily through 2020, with cumulative worldwide spending from 2012 through 2020 totaling just over $34 billion, according to a report from Pike Research. Read Original Content
According to the Metering Europe event director the true value of the global smart grid market is expected to be $100 billion by 2020. Read Original Content
The smart metering market in Southeast Asia will reach $6.9 billion by 2022, according to a new study released today by Northeast Group. Read Original Content
China's smart grid components market is seen to achieve a compound annual growth rate of 6 percent between 2011 and 2021 reaching $1.43 trillion, SBI Energy says in a market study. Read Original Content
M2M News Weekly – Week of September 23, 2012
Welcome to M2M News Weekly, an online newsletter that consists of the most interesting news and articles related to M2M (machine to machine) and embedded mobile devices. I aggregate the information, include the original links and add a synopsis of each article. I also search for the latest market numbers such as market size, growth and trends in and around the M2M market.
Also read Enterprise Mobility Asia News Weekly
Also read Field Mobility News Weekly
Also read Mobile Commerce News Weekly
Also read Mobile Health News Weekly
Also read Mobility News Weekly
According to ABI Research, home automation and home entertainment together are forecast to grow to over $300 million per annum by 2017. Read Original Content
The clear leader in terms of smart meter shipments in Europe is Germany, where annual smart meter shipments will reach 7 million by 2020, nearly as much as all Eastern Europe countries combined. The German smart meter market will expand at a compound annual growth rate of 63 percent between 2011 and 2020. Read Original Content
GlobalData projects that the global smart grid cyber security market will climb to more than $79 billion by 2020 and grow at a CAGR of 20 percent. Read Original Content
ILS Technology provides ready-to-use cloud based platforms to implement and manage M2M (machine to machine) and embedded wireless devices that connect to SAP. ILS Technology simplifies deployments and offers unparalleled security to protect company and customer data and to ensure regulatory compliance. This newsletter is sponsored in part by ILS Technology.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers anticipates that by the year 2040, driverless cars, operated using M2M technology, will account for up to 75 percent of cars on the road worldwide. Read Original Content
Cellular M2M connections totaled 132 million as of June 2012, and generated $5.68 billion over the preceding 12 months, according to the latest data from Informa Telecoms & Media. Read Original Content
The traditional uses of RFID within the automotive sector are continuing to grow and are projected to increase by $2.8 billion from 2012 to 2017. Read Original Content
According to a new report from Pike Research, the worldwide market for smart grid data analytics is expected to grow steadily through 2020, with cumulative worldwide spending from 2012 through 2020 totaling just over $34 billion. Read Original Content
Founded in 1979, DSI is a global provider of Enterprise Mobility Solutions®, helping companies worldwide increase productivity and profitability regardless of data source, device type, operating system or network connectivity. DSI serves clients globally through its offices in Australia, Canada, China, France, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States. This newsletter is sponsored in part by DSI.
By 2020, more than 237 million smart electricity meters will be deployed across Europe and almost 90 percent of installed electricity meters in Western Europe will be smart, according to a new report from Pike Research. Read Original Content
The traditional uses of RFID are continuing to grow and are projected to increase by $2.8 billion from 2012 to 2017. However, ABI Research found that modernizing RFID applications will grow twice as fast with annual revenues derived from these jumping by $4.5 billion in the same timeframe. Read Original Content
By the end of 2016, annual worldwide shipments for smart meters will reach 130 million units, reports IDC Energy Insights. Read Original Content
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Also read Field Mobility News Weekly
Also read Mobile Commerce News Weekly
Also read Mobile Health News Weekly
Also read Mobility News Weekly
According to ABI Research, home automation and home entertainment together are forecast to grow to over $300 million per annum by 2017. Read Original Content
The clear leader in terms of smart meter shipments in Europe is Germany, where annual smart meter shipments will reach 7 million by 2020, nearly as much as all Eastern Europe countries combined. The German smart meter market will expand at a compound annual growth rate of 63 percent between 2011 and 2020. Read Original Content
GlobalData projects that the global smart grid cyber security market will climb to more than $79 billion by 2020 and grow at a CAGR of 20 percent. Read Original Content
ILS Technology provides ready-to-use cloud based platforms to implement and manage M2M (machine to machine) and embedded wireless devices that connect to SAP. ILS Technology simplifies deployments and offers unparalleled security to protect company and customer data and to ensure regulatory compliance. This newsletter is sponsored in part by ILS Technology.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers anticipates that by the year 2040, driverless cars, operated using M2M technology, will account for up to 75 percent of cars on the road worldwide. Read Original Content
Cellular M2M connections totaled 132 million as of June 2012, and generated $5.68 billion over the preceding 12 months, according to the latest data from Informa Telecoms & Media. Read Original Content
The traditional uses of RFID within the automotive sector are continuing to grow and are projected to increase by $2.8 billion from 2012 to 2017. Read Original Content
According to a new report from Pike Research, the worldwide market for smart grid data analytics is expected to grow steadily through 2020, with cumulative worldwide spending from 2012 through 2020 totaling just over $34 billion. Read Original Content
Founded in 1979, DSI is a global provider of Enterprise Mobility Solutions®, helping companies worldwide increase productivity and profitability regardless of data source, device type, operating system or network connectivity. DSI serves clients globally through its offices in Australia, Canada, China, France, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States. This newsletter is sponsored in part by DSI.
By 2020, more than 237 million smart electricity meters will be deployed across Europe and almost 90 percent of installed electricity meters in Western Europe will be smart, according to a new report from Pike Research. Read Original Content
The traditional uses of RFID are continuing to grow and are projected to increase by $2.8 billion from 2012 to 2017. However, ABI Research found that modernizing RFID applications will grow twice as fast with annual revenues derived from these jumping by $4.5 billion in the same timeframe. Read Original Content
By the end of 2016, annual worldwide shipments for smart meters will reach 130 million units, reports IDC Energy Insights. Read Original Content
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Kevin Benedict's What's New in HTML5 - Week of September 16, 2012
Mobile Expert Video Series: Latecia Mills
Interesting Infograph on Enterprise Mobility
The Changing ROI of Enterprise Mobility
Mobile Expert Video Series: Johann Poppenbeck
Mobile Expert Video Series: Tal Geffen
Kevin Benedict's What's New in HTML5 - Week of September 16, 2012
Mobile Expert Video Series: Latecia Mills
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Kevin Benedict,
Head Analyst for SMAC (Social, MOBILE, Analytics and Cloud), Cognizant
The Future of Work
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
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Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.
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Interviews with Kevin Benedict
Kevin's Mobile Retailing News Weekly is an online newsletter that is made up of the most interesting news, articles and links related to...
In this interview, we sit down with Gartner’s Deepak Seth to explore the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its far-re...
In this episode of FOBtv, Jasen Williams, the Global VP of Corporate Marketing at Verint, shares his insights on the evolving landscape of c...