Making the Hard Decisions in Digital Transformation

How can an organization with decades worth of accumulated ERP customizations and configurations, IT systems and customized software applications digitally transform fast enough to keep up with the rapidly changing behaviors of digital customers? That is a hard question most organizations are wrestling with today.  Often complex custom IT environments served a purpose in a past era, but today where IT speed and agility are required, they serve as anchors restraining an organization from moving forward and digitally transforming fast enough to compete.

Like a CEO that closes down or sells a profitable business unit because it no longer fits with where the organization is going, CTOs and CIOs must rapidly shut down or replace IT systems and processes that no longer support the reality of today, or the vision of the future based on the best information available today - not yesterday. Keeping an outdated IT system or business process for the purpose of achieving a positive return on the original investment is a strategy based on pride, not logic.

The Center for Digital Intelligence Interview: IoT Platforms with Hitachi's Rob Tiffany

I had the honor of interviewing and disrupting the vacation of Hitachi's CTO for Industrial IoT, Rob Tiffany today.  In this interview we talk all about IoT platforms, big data analytics, architectures, digital twins and solution stacks for industrial IoT.  I learned a lot and hope you will too.

Read more from Kevin Benedict here:

  1. Digital Transformation and the New Rules for Start-Ups
  2. Digital Transformation and Leadership Development
  3. Digital Transformation and Competitive Decision-Making
  4. Combinatorial Nature of Digital Technologies and Legos
  5. Digital Transformation from 40,000 feet
  6. Winning in Chaos - Digital Leaders
  7. 13 Recommended Actions for Digital Transformation in Retail
  8. Mistakes in Retail Digital Transformation
  9. Winning Strategies for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
  10. Digital Transformation - Mindset Differences
  11. Analyzing Retail Through Digital Lenses
  12. Digital Thinking and Beyond!
  13. Measuring the Pace of Change in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
  14. How Digital Thinking Separates Retail Leaders from Laggards
  15. To Bot, or Not to Bot
  16. Oils, Bots, AI and Clogged Arteries
  17. Artificial Intelligence Out of Doors in the Kingdom of Robots
  18. How Digital Leaders are Different
  19. The Three Tsunamis of Digital Transformation - Be Prepared!
  20. Bots, AI and the Next 40 Months
  21. You Only Have 40 Months to Digitally Transform
  22. Digital Technologies and the Greater Good
  23. Video Report: 40 Months of Hyper-Digital Transformation
  24. Report: 40 Months of Hyper-Digital Transformation
  25. Virtual Moves to Real in with Sensors and Digital Transformation
  26. Technology Must Disappear in 2017
  27. Merging Humans with AI and Machine Learning Systems
  28. In Defense of the Human Experience in a Digital World
  29. Profits that Kill in the Age of Digital Transformation
  30. Competing in Future Time and Digital Transformation
  31. Digital Hope and Redemption in the Digital Age
  32. Digital Transformation and the Role of Faster
  33. Digital Transformation and the Law of Thermodynamics
  34. Jettison the Heavy Baggage and Digitally Transform
  35. Digital Transformation - The Dark Side
  36. Business is Not as Usual in Digital Transformation
  37. 15 Rules for Winning in Digital Transformation
  38. The End Goal of Digital Transformation
  39. Digital Transformation and the Ignorance Penalty
  40. Surviving the Three Ages of Digital Transformation
  41. The Advantages of an Advantage in Digital Transformation
  42. From Digital to Hyper-Transformation
  43. Believers, Non-Believers and Digital Transformation
  44. Forces Driving the Digital Transformation Era
  45. Digital Transformation Requires Agility and Energy Measurement
  46. A Doctrine for Digital Transformation is Required
  47. Digital Transformation and Its Role in Mobility and Competition
  48. Digital Transformation - A Revolution in Precision Through IoT, Analytics and Mobility
  49. Competing in Digital Transformation and Mobility
  50. Ambiguity and Digital Transformation
  51. Digital Transformation and Mobility - Macro-Forces and Timing
  52. Mobile and IoT Technologies are Inside the Curve of Human Time
Kevin Benedict
President, Principal Analyst, Futurist, the Center for Digital Intelligence™
View my profile on LinkedIn
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
Subscribe to Kevin's YouTube Channel
Join the Linkedin Group Strategic Enterprise Technologies
Join the Google+ Community Mobile Enterprise Strategies

***Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

New Rules for Start-Ups in the Age of Digital Transformation

I have had the opportunity to work for and around a good many start-ups during the course of my career.  Often the start-up founders would simply define a problem, develop a solution and launch a company.  The marketing department would then do their very best to identify the individuals in each target company that experienced the problem and had a budget to fix it.  This was always a challenging task, but it is even harder today.

Today, start-ups must not only identify a problem that needs solved, but they must compete against "digital transformation" initiatives in both the business and IT organizations that are trying to reduce complexity through the elimination of applications, customized software solutions, IT systems, multiple instances of ERPs and vendors.

The goal of many organizations today is to simplify the IT environment, and to make business processes much faster and agile.  I see many companies seeking to standardize on a handful of platforms like, SAP, Adobe, Ariba, SuccessFactor, etc. Too many systems in an IT inventory, means too much complexity and the increased risk that data will be compromised, and that systems will be too expensive to maintain, secure and upgrade.  In this age of fast changing digital consumer behaviors, flexibility and simplicity equal organizational speed to keep up with their markets.

What is the answer for start-ups?  Start-up solutions must appeal to the digital transformation goals of their target customers.  It means their solution must be cloud based and automatically upgraded to stay aligned with customer's core platforms and systems.  It means offering artificial intelligence enabled robotic process automation, chatbots and machine learning that can improve predictability, simplify complexity and eliminate troublesome areas of service and performance.  It must not result in any additional layers of complexity, rather new solutions need to solve big problems, while at the same time reducing complexity, and increasing agility and the operational tempo of the business.

Kevin Benedict
President, Principal Analyst, Futurist, the Center for Digital Intelligence™
View my profile on LinkedIn
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
Subscribe to Kevin's YouTube Channel
Join the Linkedin Group Strategic Enterprise Technologies
Join the Google+ Community Mobile Enterprise Strategies

***Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Digital Transformation and Leadership Development

I have read several articles recently about projects designed to teach digital systems to think more like humans.  For example one article was about teaching chatbot systems to communicate empathy to humans.  It seems ironic that we are developing digital systems to think more like humans, while at the same time much of my work is focused on teaching humans how to think more like and about digital systems and their capabilities.  Let me explain.

Competitive battles in most industries today are increasingly centered on digital technologies and digital strategies, and as a result, it benefits leaders to have a deep understanding of how digital systems work, and how the impact of new digital innovations will change the behaviors of customers, competitors and partners.

A few of the areas that I think leaders should really understand are:

  • Simple programming concepts and computer logic
  • Small World, social networks and swarming theories
  • Industry and technology data exchange standards
  • Platforms, Cloud computing, Containers and System thinking
  • Internet and network architecture and design
  • Big Data and real-time analytics
  • GPS, GIS and Mapping
  • Mobile and wireless technologies
  • Sensors, embedded wireless devices and IoT
  • Data and device security and authentication
  • Databases and data lifecycle management
  • Online catalogs, shopping carts and digital payments
  • Digital marketing, personalization and contextual relevance
  • Digital content and delivery: websites, blogs, videos, podcasts, social media (e.g. Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.)
  • Robotics, automation, AI and machine learning
  • Virtual and augmented reality

There are many more items that could be added to this short list, but I hope you get the idea.  If we can agree that digital technologies are fundamental to our future success, then we must understand them, or at least their capabilities.

To read more about how digital transformation is impacting strategies read this article 15 Rules for Winning During the Age of Digital Transformation.
Kevin Benedict
President, Principal Analyst, Futurist, the Center for Digital Intelligence™
View my profile on LinkedIn
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
Subscribe to Kevin's YouTube Channel
Join the Linkedin Group Strategic Enterprise Technologies
Join the Google+ Community Mobile Enterprise Strategies

***Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Digital Transformation and Competitive Decision-Making

The winning trinity in competitive decision-making includes people, ideas and things according to the renowned military strategist John Boyd. Although competitive decision-making is not yet an Olympic sport, it affects us all.  Leaders (people) must become trained experts at using digital technologies to make fast decisions.  Leaders must use the right strategies and methodologies (ideas) to make wise decisions fast, and they must collect the needed data and analyze it fast enough using the best solutions (things).  If any component of this trinity is weak, it will be hard to compete.

In a recent survey of high tech VP level and above executives that I conducted, few companies have a formal training program in place to help develop their leaders to be skilled at digital transformation and competitive decision-making.  Most enterprises are just rolling the dice on the skill levels of their leadership.  Given the emerging challenges that digital transformation introduces to a complex business, I would strongly advise companies to invest in formal digital leadership development.

Some of the key goals of digital transformation are to speed up and improve interactions with digital customers, and to be able to react faster to new information.  As digital technologies (things) provide more real-time data, and real-time data analysis, new strategies (ideas) for making real-time decisions must be implemented by leaders (people) or their proxies.  In the future, more and more proxies involved in real-time decision-making will be in the form of robotic process automation systems using artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Any business process where there is a documented best practice for how best to respond to various data inputs can be automated.  As data inputs become more real-time, human leadership decision-making becomes the source of latency in the system.  I predict that decision-making will increasingly be a source of competition, and that decisions will soon be divided into those where there is a defined best option already which allows for rapid automation, and those that have ill-defined options and require humans' capacity for creativity to solve.

My latest video from the field:

Kevin Benedict
President, Principal Analyst, Futurist, the Center for Digital Intelligence™
View my profile on LinkedIn
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
Subscribe to Kevin's YouTube Channel
Join the Linkedin Group Strategic Enterprise Technologies
Join the Google+ Community Mobile Enterprise Strategies

***Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Interviews with Kevin Benedict