Showing posts with label future. Show all posts
Showing posts with label future. Show all posts

Competitiveness and Strengthening Our Future

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The US faces a widening divide between two distinct economic realities. On one hand, highly educated individuals thrive with rapid wage growth, abundant career opportunities, and enhanced quality of life. On the other, less-educated and underemployed workers grapple with deindustrialization, technological displacement, community decline, and social marginalization. To foster a more inclusive and equitable society, we must address the root causes of these challenges and implement future-oriented strategies.

Understanding the Divide

  1. Deindustrialization and Economic Decline:

    • Manufacturing jobs, once the foundation of American middle-class prosperity, have significantly declined. Between 2001 and 2007, 3.4 million manufacturing jobs were lost, followed by another 2.3 million during the Great Recession. Globalized trade and foreign competition, particularly with China, decimated industries like textiles, apparel, and furniture, leaving non-metropolitan areas economically vulnerable.
  2. Technological Disruption:

    • Technological innovation, while driving significant productivity gains, has disproportionately replaced low-skilled jobs in industries such as manufacturing, logistics, and clerical work. This has resulted in stagnant wages and widespread job displacement, exacerbating income inequality. Meanwhile, high-skilled workers benefit from increased demand and income growth, widening the economic gap.

The Recipe for an Unpleasant Future

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If humanity wanted to intentionally sabotage a bright future, the path to failure would be alarmingly straightforward. By neglecting lessons from history, disregarding the importance of collective action, and fostering division, we could ensure a trajectory defined by instability, inequity, and missed potential. This exercise in examining the ways we could derail progress is not meant to endorse such an approach but to provoke deeper thought about what we must avoid to create a thriving and sustainable world.

To dismantle any hope for a prosperous future, we might begin by allowing inequality to grow unchecked. Wealth gaps could widen as access to essential resources, education, and healthcare remains limited to a privileged few. Resentment would fester, eroding social cohesion and creating an environment of mistrust. When opportunities are reserved for a select group, the collective spirit that drives progress is replaced by division and despair. Economic disparities, if left unaddressed, would sow the seeds of societal fracture.

The next step to ensuring failure would involve undermining truth and knowledge. By allowing misinformation to spread freely, the foundation of informed decision-making would crumble. Without shared facts and a respect for science, addressing global challenges like climate change, public health crises, and technological ethics would become nearly impossible. Imagine a world where biases and conspiracy theories drive policies—a world where truth is devalued and progress is perpetually out of reach.

The Dark Side of Automation, AI and Robotics

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By nature I'm an optimistic person.  By profession I am a futurist that studies historic patterns and future trends.  By education I am an economist and political scientist. All of these background influences come together when I am pondering the future, and lately I have been contemplating automation and job displacements.

I remember studying the concept of social contract in college.  It's a theory that describes an agreement among individuals in a society to create and abide by a set of rules, norms, and governance structures to ensure mutual benefit, security, and order.  The idea is we agree to give up some rights and independence in order to gain certain benefits that will help us have a greater quality of life, and hopefully an improved standard of living.  Think of being taxed, so we can have roads, bridges, public education, police and firefighters.

What happens though when the "mutual benefits" agreed to, fall out of balance, and the benefits are weighted in favor of one group over another?  The short answer is - bad things.  

A Few of My Favorite Attempts at Humor in 2024

Some of my favorite attempts at humor this year!  Follow me on Instagram at Futurist_Humor.

*I use generative AI in all my work.
Kevin Benedict
Futurist at TCS
View my profile on LinkedIn
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
Join the Linkedin Group Digital Intelligence

***Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Reaching 3 Million, Favorite Articles & Thank You!

First of all THANK YOU for helping me reach 3 million page views on this blog today.  CRAZY!  I am grateful for all of your time and attention over the many years we have been together!  I have learned so much from the effort of researching and writing these articles, and I hope you have benefited from reading some of them as well!

In addition to the articles, over the years I have added hundreds of video interviews with people far smarter than me, and more recently attempts at humor, one of the last things artificial intelligence still struggles with, and some would argue I do as well!  If humor about the past and future is your thing, you can follow me on Instagram at futurist_humor.

Here are a few of my favorite articles I have written over the past few years.

This article explores the profound impact of speed on our world, arguing that its ability to stretch time and compress distance has far-reaching consequences for individuals, institutions, and societies. From motivating advancements in AI and robotics to reshaping how we communicate, govern, and even wage war, speed is a catalyst of change that is fundamentally altering the human experience.  As we hurtle towards a future defined by ever-increasing speed, this article offers a thought-provoking examination of its implications and challenges readers to consider how they will adapt to this rapidly evolving landscape.

Humans are creatures of habit, often resistant to change, even when it promises benefits. This article delves into the psychological reasons behind this resistance, exploring concepts like loss aversion, status quo bias, fear of the unknown and much more. By understanding the psychology behind our resistance and employing the techniques identified, we can navigate change more effectively and embrace the future with confidence.

The speed of change is accelerating due to several factors. Digital automation, like robots on an assembly line, allows for rapid scaling and agility. Once knowledge is digitized, it can be instantly duplicated and distributed globally, eliminating the need to start from scratch. The law of entropy highlights the difficulty of maintaining order in human systems, while digital systems can follow algorithms without constant effort. Unlike humans, AI and automated systems can start with pre-loaded knowledge, accelerating progress. Human brains are limited by factors like age, health, and emotions, while digital systems can operate at an optimized level 24/7. This shift towards digitized knowledge allows for continuous learning and progress, independent of human limitations.

In today's data-driven world, leaders can overcome the "fog of war" that plagued their historical counterparts. By combining experience data gathered from customer and employee interactions – with operational data derived from sensors, ERPs, and other systems – businesses can gain unprecedented visibility into their operations. This comprehensive, real-time understanding empowers leaders to make informed decisions, optimize processes, and address challenges proactively.  Don't let your business succumb to the perils of outdated, estimate-based models. Navigate your business with clarity and precision.

The 20th century, despite technological advancements, was the bloodiest in history, highlighting the destructive potential of humanity when moral frameworks fail. This article explores the historical interplay of technology, ideology, and morality, emphasizing the urgent need for a robust, adaptable ethical framework to guide us toward a more peaceful future. By understanding the lessons of the past, including the dangers of propaganda and the erosion of moral restraints, we can build a global community that prioritizes peace, security, and mutual respect.

This article paints a stark picture of the challenges facing our brains in an increasingly digital world.  It questions whether our minds, shaped by millennia of slow evolution, can adapt to the rapid pace of technological change and the rise of AI.  I raise important concerns about the impact of digital stimuli on our mental health and the shrinking space for human agency in a future dominated by automation.  Ultimately, this piece compels us to confront a fundamental question: are we shaping our future, or is the future shaping us?

This article explores the pivotal role of government policies, laws, and regulations in driving improvements in the human standard of living. Examining historical periods like the Progressive Era and the New Deal, it argues that societal shifts and government action are crucial for addressing large-scale challenges and shaping a better future. By recognizing our collective potential and working together, we can overcome the obstacles that lie ahead and create a more prosperous and equitable world.

This article explores the rapid rise of autonomous machines in warfare, from delivery robots in combat zones to unmanned submarines patrolling the oceans.  It highlights how the increasing complexity and speed of these technologies are pushing humans out of the decision-making loop, with potentially far-reaching consequences.  As we become more reliant on AI and automated systems, wonder about the vulnerabilities we create and the urgent need for ethical considerations in the development and deployment of such powerful tools.

Throughout history, disruptive events like pandemics, wars, and technological revolutions have catalyzed shifts in societal mindsets, forcing us to re-evaluate our values and priorities. This article explores how such events, from the Enlightenment to the digital age, have shaped our understanding of knowledge, social structures, and human interaction. By examining these historical turning points, we can gain valuable insights into our own capacity for resilience, adaptation, and collective progress in the face of contemporary challenges.

This article explores a period in history where we experienced unprecedented improvements in our standard of living.  It argues that technological advancements alone were not enough to drive this progress; rather, it was a shift in societal beliefs and a willingness to enact policies that prioritized human well-being. By examining historical patterns and the impact of belief systems on societal change, the article challenges readers to reflect on their own beliefs and how they may be hindering positive growth.

This article issues a powerful wake-up call, urging us to look beyond the allure of profits and confront the unintended consequences of our relentless pursuit of technological advancement. From the divisive impact of social media to the rise of autonomous killing machines and the displacement of human workers, the author highlights the urgent need for a shared purpose and a clear vision for a future where technology serves human flourishing.  It's a call to action to reclaim our agency and steer towards a tomorrow where purpose, not just profit, guides our path.

Visit our YouTube channel here.

*I use generative AI in all my work.
Kevin Benedict
Futurist at TCS
View my profile on LinkedIn
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
Join the Linkedin Group Digital Intelligence

***Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

The Great Collision: From Frontier Myths to Digital Dependence

Contemporary populist sentiment in North America is not a simple thread but a Gordian Knot, a complex entanglement of historical threads of anti-elitism, moralism, economic anxiety, and powerful national myths. These currents, born from religious revivals, frontier experiences, and Enlightenment ideals, are now colliding head-on with the reality of our technological dependence. This “Great Collision” exposes a profound tension between the cherished myth of the independent, self-reliant frontiersman – often carrying a gun – and the inescapable technological dependence and interconnectedness of our digital lives, which profoundly shapes our political discourse, social interactions, and the foundation of our communities today.

The seeds of anti-elitism were sown early on during the period of British rule over the American colonies (1607-1776). Colonial grievances stemming from mercantilist policies and a perceived lack of representation fostered resentment towards distant and unaccountable authority. This distrust intensified during the American Revolution (1775-1783), where the rhetoric of liberty, equality, and self-determination fueled a powerful anti-authoritarian sentiment that became a central tenet of American populism. 

Forces Driving the Future of Networks

As we examine the common threads emerging from our analysis of future networks and their role in advancing human civilization, a deeper understanding of the underlying forces and human needs becomes apparent. These networks are more than technological innovations; they are manifestations of a profound human quest to address the most fundamental challenges and aspirations of society. 

The Drive for Autonomy and Empowerment

At the core of many emerging networks is a strong emphasis on decentralization and the redistribution of power. The rise of renewable energy microgrids, decentralized finance (DeFi), and data sovereignty networks reflects a fundamental human desire for autonomy and self-determination. These networks represent a shift away from centralized control by governments, corporations, and institutions, and toward systems that empower individuals and communities to take control of their own resources and data.

The Historic and Future Impacts of Networks

Throughout history, networks have been central to the development of human society. In the early stages of civilization, networks were built on relationships—personal connections between individuals, families, and communities. These relationship-based networks were the foundations of early trade, governance, and culture. Over time, these networks expanded, growing more complex as societies developed new ways to connect across distances. The advent of technology-based networks—spurred by advancements in communication, transportation, and data systems—transformed the way humans interact on a global scale. Today, social media networks are a dominant force in shaping how we connect, communicate, and share information. Understanding this evolution offers insights into the forces driving human progress and the potential for future transformation.

Navigating the AI Revolution with Gartner Analyst, Deepak Seth

In this interview, we sit down with Gartner’s Deepak Seth to explore the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its far-reaching impacts across various industries and business processes. With decades of experience and a commitment to lifelong learning, Seth shares insights from his distinguished career studying, writing about, and implementing technologies. We delve into the strategic implications of Generative AI, discussing its potential to revolutionize business operations and entrepreneurship. Our conversation covers various topics, including the evolution of technology, the importance of continuous education, and the emerging trends poised to reshape our future.

Subscribe to more interviews and articles on the future here

*I use generative AI to assist in all my work.
Kevin Benedict
Futurist at TCS
View my profile on LinkedIn
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
Join the Linkedin Group Digital Intelligence

***Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Not So Obvious Strategies for 2024

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Futurist Frank Diana, speaks often about the importance of recognizing the converging forces that will ultimately deliver our future.  These converging forces come from a variety of different domains such as science, technology, societal, geopolitical, economic, environmental and philosophy.  It is these evolving, emerging and transforming forces from all of these different domains, mixed together, that generate our future.

When anticipating and planning for the future, it is important to understand that we are not without agency.  There are many things that we can know, do, implement and change that will enable us to navigate through these forces and be more prepared.  We can recognize patterns, signals, convergences and catalysts that will shape our world and prepare for it.  The following concepts, not often considered, can also be valuable in preparing us for the future.

The Hidden Currency of Change: Transformational Energy

Throughout history, both organizations and societies have grappled with the consequences of rapid change. Consider the Gutenberg printing press.  Johannes Gutenberg's invention of the printing press in the mid-15th century created all kinds of rapid, unforeseen and unintended consequences. It democratized information, enabled the rapid dissemination of it, and disrupted all kinds of established power structures and belief systems. 

Prior to the printing press, knowledge dissemination was slow, controlled and often only available to an elite few. The printing press significantly lowered barriers to entry, empowering individuals, and smaller organizations to challenge established players and dogma. For example, the printing press weakened the Church's monopoly on knowledge and fueled the Protestant Reformation, which led to social unrest, wars and calls for change, as seen in the religious turmoil following Gutenberg's invention.

Fast forward centuries, and we see another example with the Industrial Revolution. While it sparked incredible innovation and economic growth, the rapid pace of change left many behind. The rise of factories led to harsh working conditions, displacing traditional artisans, and fueling social movements like Luddism, where workers protested the perceived threat of technology to their livelihoods. These historical examples illustrate the importance of managing change effectively. When change happens too quickly, it can lead to societal discord and organizational exhaustion. In today's world of constant change and innovation, understanding and managing our collective "transformational energy" is more crucial than ever.

The Future, Progress and Moral Frameworks

Those who believe in the inevitable progress of man, forget that the twentieth century was the bloodiest, most destructive century in human history. The century's two world wars alone resulted in the deaths of at least 60 million people.
The 20th century was marked by an explosive convergence of ideological, technological, economic, geopolitical and sociopolitical forces, creating a highly volatile environment that led to unprecedented violence and devastation, while at the same time delivering the highest standard of living in history. This era demonstrated how technological advancements, in the absence of corresponding developments in legal and moral frameworks, can lead to massive human suffering.

While technology significantly enhanced the destructiveness of warfare during the 20th century, the deeper causes of this violence lay in the prevailing belief systems and moral frameworks. These frameworks, which include religious, philosophical, and cultural codes, are vital as they shape societal norms about what is deemed justifiable or unacceptable behavior, especially concerning the use of violence.

Building a Better Future

Many years ago, I graduated with a degree in political science from Portland State University.  Through a long and winding journey working in high tech for companies in Silicon Valley, Seattle, Atlanta, Dublin and Boston, I ultimately moved into the role of being a full time futurist.  One of the unexpected things I discovered along the way was how much a futurist studies history.  

History has taught me that government policies, laws and regulations often play an important role in creating better conditions for humans to thrive.  We see it revealed throughout history, and I expect we will see it in the future as well.  

For most of human history, our standard of living and quality of life was terrible. Century after century it didn't improve.  Fifty percent of children died before age five, and the average person was not likely to live beyond 30 years of age.  This pattern continued for thousands of years.

Future Catalysts that Just Might Change Us

A catalyst, in futurist-speak, is a time or event that is so influential that it causes a society to rethink - how they think.  A review of history reveals that our thinking has been shaped by numerous catalysts over time. These major disruptions to our status quo-thinking forced us to reevaluate our beliefs and behaviors, and to ponder new paradigms of thought and action. As we look to the future, several potential catalysts loom on the horizon, each with the power to fundamentally reshape our future and challenge our collective mindset.

Advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automation

AI and automation technologies promises to redefine the nature of work, creativity, and human interaction. As these technologies become increasingly integrated into daily life, we face questions about the value of human labor, the ethics of AI decision-making, and the distribution of wealth in a post-work society. The rise of AI could lead to a significant shift in societal values, prioritizing continuous learning, adaptability, and a reevaluation of what it means to think, work and to lead a fulfilling life.

Catalysts that Shaped Human History

Historically, significant shifts in societal mindsets have often been precipitated by disruptive events that create a collective sense of urgency or crisis. These catalysts—whether wars, revolutions, pandemics, or technological breakthroughs—disrupt the status quo to such an extent that the cost of maintaining existing beliefs and systems becomes untenable. The key to these events' transformative power lies in their ability to induce widespread reflection and reassessment of prevailing values, priorities, and lifestyles. 

Let's now take a moment to explore some of the more impactful events in history that served as catalysts for societal change and collective rethinking.

From Authority to Inquiry: The Enlightenment and Beyond

The invention of the printing press ignited the Enlightenment, marking a shift from the acceptance of authority, to it's being replaced by inquiry and individual reasoning. This democratization of knowledge fostered an environment where questioning and scientific investigation flourished, paving the way for the scientific, industrial, and democratic revolutions that followed. This invention, fundamentally altered humanity's self-conception, positioning reason and empirical evidence as the primary sources of knowledge.

How Beliefs Influence the Future

As a futurist, I spend a lot of time studying history.  Why?  As Aerosmith frontman, Steven Tyler sings, "We are all somebody from somewhere."  And that somewhere is often revealing.  We can see patterns in history.  Patterns that just might extend from the past to the future.  

One of the surprises of history is what historians refer to as the, "Special Century."  From 1870-1970 massive improvements in the standard of living were achieved across many regions of the world all at the same time.  These levels of improvements had never been seen before. During this period, we went from riding horses to landing on the moon!

A look at the history of technology and we see that during one 5 year period during the Special Century, 1875-1880, telephones, internal combustion engines, electric light bulbs and phonographs were all created.  During another 5 year span, 1900-1905, we invented the radio, air conditioning, vacuums and airplane flight!  Huge inventions that are still in our lives today.

Reading the News Like a Futurist with Alex Whittington

In this episode, my guest is futurist Alex Whittington!  She shares her behind the scenes life as a futurist, and it's impact and influence on how she reads the news, thinks about the world and contemplates the future.   We discuss utopian smart cities, Cobots, podcast recommendations and much more!

*I use generative AI to assist in all my work.
Kevin Benedict
Futurist at TCS
View my profile on LinkedIn
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
Join the Linkedin Group Digital Intelligence

***Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Using Physics to Understand the Future

"While there can be surprise technological and market disruptions, classical Newtonian mechanical physics’ suggestions that trajectories are the flight paths determined by mass positioning, direction, and momentum as a function of time can help us make accurate predictions." ~ Jeffrey A. Sonnenfeld & Steven Tian

As a writer, I appreciate gifts of inspiration.  Reading the above quote set my mind off this morning.  It is so true! As a futurist we are always studying trends, innovations and developments, and then searching for signals that will inform us about the "trajectories," each of them will follow.  Using Newtonian mechanical physics as helpful metaphors to understand directions and how much inertia a trend has, how fast it is changing, and how much resistance it might face are all useful considerations.

I have had the pleasure over the last year to meet with the leadership teams of many large companies around the world to talk about the future.  Bringing a list of over 350 fast evolving trends across the domains of science, technology, societal, geopolitical and economic is a good place to start, but these discussions almost always turn quickly toward Newtonian mechanical physics.  How much?  How fast?  When? What direction?  How much inertia?  What kind of resistance?  These are the right questions!

As I covered in an article earlier this week, we can create different buckets of trends, innovations and developments.  Some, are incremental innovations, while others are "launchpad" developments that will support entire new ways of thinking and will change the direction of our future.

It's not enough to pocket a list of quickly evolving trends, developments and technologies.  One must understand the physics involved, the dependencies for a development to move forward, understand which rung on the historic ladder of progress a development is sitting, and also understand it's potential for scaling.  These, of course, are just the beginning, but they are a good place to start. 

*I use generative AI to assist in all my work.
Kevin Benedict
Futurist at TCS
View my profile on LinkedIn
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
Join the Linkedin Group Digital Intelligence

***Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

A Futurist Pondering Biological vs. Digital Learning

Every futurist I know seems to be emphasizing that the speed of change is accelerating. Are you hearing the same thing? Have you ever pondered why that might be the case? There are many reasons given including the famous phrase by Marc Andreessen, "Software is eating the world," so in this article we will touch on a few additional ones.

Digital Automation and Change

Let's start by considering a line of automated robots building vehicles on an assembly line. If the manufacturer needs to scale up and produce more vehicles they simply deploy more robots with all necessary best practices and instructions pre-loaded. There is no long recruitment, training, experience and probation period required. The robots are optimized on day one. This example represents an ability to introduce change much faster than in the past as digital automation provides far more agility.

Knowledge Codification and Distribution

Another reason change can be accelerated is that once institutional knowledge is captured, codified and algorithms developed there are near-zero costs to duplicating and distributing them anywhere around the world. Instantly best practices from anywhere in the world can be uploaded to additional systems and the benefits of the digitized knowledge utilized. There is no need to start from the beginning again in a different location - when you can simply start at the finish line.

Entropy and Business Sustainability

Another change accelerator is demonstrated by a physics law called entropy that says things will always move in the direction of relative order to relative chaos. It's true at least in the physical world. The brilliant author Steven Pinker describes it this way, “If you walk away from a sandcastle, it won’t be there tomorrow, because of the wind, waves, seagulls, and small children."  It takes a lot of work to maintain and sustain a working system.  People leave, retire, get fired.  It takes a lot of work to get an organization working in peak condition and then to keep it there.  A digital system is far easier to maintain and sustain and it takes less effort to keep it there.

The Challenge of Human Limitations

We humans, however, face challenges with our thinking and memory limitations. Our brains are impacted by many things including our age, health, sleep, stress, and emotional well-being. Our brains are also not very dependable. It is well known that multiple witnesses to an accident often all remember important events and details differently.

Advantages of Cognitive Systems

Unlike digital systems, when we have children there is no efficient means to upload all of our education, earned knowledge, and life experiences into their brains. AI and automated systems, however, can start on day one with all the required information pre-loaded. Information that was potentially captured over centuries of time can now be uploaded in seconds. A capability that can massively accelerate the speed of change inside a business.

The Future of Knowledge and Learning

What an advantage it would be to start our professional careers with all of the accumulated knowledge of our field of study already in our brains! That is what is happening with cognitive systems and autonomous self-driving vehicles today. On the very first day that an autonomous self-driving car rolls off the production line, it will have the accumulated knowledge and best practices derived from all the autonomous vehicles before them and their millions of miles driving through every conceivable and recorded scenario. Every new vehicle will start with full knowledge on day one.

Considering Human vs. Machine Learning

The comparison between human learning and machine learning unveils a landscape of contrasts and complementarities. Understanding these differences is key to appreciating the transformative impact of AI and cognitive systems in various fields.

Core Characteristics of Human Learning

Biological Basis: Human learning is deeply rooted in biological processes. It involves neural plasticity, where experiences rewire the brain's structure and function.

Emotion and Motivation: Emotions significantly influence human learning. Motivation, either intrinsic or extrinsic, plays a critical role in how and what humans learn.

Social Context: Humans often learn in social contexts, absorbing knowledge through interactions, language, and cultural nuances.

Flexibility and Creativity: Human learning is inherently flexible and creative. Humans can think abstractly, make connections between disparate ideas, and innovate.

Limitations: Human learning is constrained by cognitive biases, memory capacity, and the speed of information processing.

Core Characteristics of Machine Learning

Data-Driven: Machine learning relies on vast amounts of data. The quality and quantity of this data directly influence the learning outcomes.

Speed and Efficiency: Machines can process and analyze data at speeds incomprehensible to humans, enabling rapid learning and adaptation.

Scalability: Machine learning algorithms can be scaled up efficiently, handling increasingly complex tasks with more data.

Consistency: Unlike humans, machines are not subject to emotional fluctuations or biases in their learning process, ensuring consistent output.

Specificity and Limitation: Machine learning excels in specific, well-defined tasks but lacks the general, adaptable intelligence of humans. It struggles with abstract and creative thinking.

Comparative Analysis

Efficiency and Speed: Machines surpass humans in the speed and efficiency of processing vast datasets, but lack the nuanced understanding and emotional intelligence humans bring.

Learning Approach: Humans learn from fewer examples using abstract thinking and intuition, while machines require large datasets and often struggle with novel scenarios not covered in their training data.

Error Handling and Adaptability: Humans are generally better at adapting to new and unexpected situations, using judgment and experience. Machines, however, can be more accurate in repetitive, data-intensive tasks.

Capacity for Creativity and Innovation: The human brain excels in creative endeavors and innovation, a domain where machines currently have limited capability.

Interdisciplinary Learning: Humans can seamlessly integrate knowledge across various domains, a feature not yet fully replicated in machine learning systems.


The juxtaposition of human and machine learning opens pathways for synergistic interactions, where each compensates for the other's limitations. The future likely holds a collaborative landscape, where human ingenuity is augmented by machine efficiency and precision.

So back to our original question. Why is change accelerating? Once knowledge is extracted from human brains and digitized, it is no longer dependent on the aging, sleepy, emotional, flesh and blood brain to learn and progress. Knowledge can be gained and developed while humans sleep, not to mention that once digital cognitive systems are involved - so is Moore's Law.

At some point in the not too distant future there will be a historic transition. We humans will stop being the primary source of both questions and answers, and will focus on what we do best - asking questions.

*I use generative AI to assist in all my work.
Kevin Benedict
Futurist at TCS
View my profile on LinkedIn
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
Join the Linkedin Group Digital Intelligence

***Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Launchpads and Convergences

In my last article, I wrote about the concept of launchpad technologies and their ability to shape our future.  These are technologies that fit the following criteria:
  1. Broad Applicability: Technologies that can be applied across a wide range of industries and disciplines.
  2. Potential for Disruption: Technologies that challenge or revolutionize the existing way of doing things in significant areas (like communication, energy, transportation).
  3. Scalability: The potential to be scaled up efficiently and economically to serve large populations.
  4. Foundation for Further Innovation: A technology that serves as a foundation on which other technologies can be built.
  5. Addressing Fundamental Needs or Problems: Technologies that solve fundamental human problems or needs (like health, safety, communication).
  6. Interconnectivity: The ability to connect with and enhance existing technologies or infrastructures.
  7. Economic Viability: The potential for economic sustainability, profitability and with widespread adoption and development.
These are not the only criteria for identifying launchpad technologies, as societal, geopolitical and economic influences can also impact whether a technology becomes a superpower, but these are a good place to start.

Although our team tracks 350 plus trends, developments and emerging technologies, here are a few "launchpad technologies" that are front of mind for me in 2024:
  • 5G/6G
  • Sustainable Energy
  • Internet of Things
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Drones
  • Mixed/Extended/Augmented/Virtual Realities
  • Blockchain/Distributed Ledger
  • Precision Foods - Farming/Fermentations/Lab Grown/Vertical/Plant Based
  • Robotics
  • Synthetic Biology
  • Genetic Engineering
  • Genomics
  • Precision Medicine
  • Nanotech
  • Quantum Computing
*I use generative AI to assist in all my work.
Kevin Benedict
Futurist at TCS
View my profile on LinkedIn
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict
Join the Linkedin Group Digital Intelligence

***Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Interviews with Kevin Benedict