Kevin Benedict is a TCS futurist, humorist and lecturer focused on the signals and foresight that emerge as society, geopolitics, economies, science, technology, environment, and philosophy converge.
The Law of Mobility for Mobile Handheld PDAs and Mobile Software
Russell McGuire has provided us with a concise description of the value of mobile software applications for use on mobile handheld PDAs. Here are 39 detailed reasons to mobilize your business.
Mobilizing business processes enables you to gain visibility into work done in the field, helps to ensure quality work, enables you to reduce administrative work and invoice for field services quicker.
- Kevin Benedict
Chain of Custody with MobileDataforce's Mobile Handheld PDA Software Solutions
One of the big challenges faced by organizations providing medicine to remote areas, is to make sure that the medicine purchased and shipped actually arrives at the designated location. The application we just delivered includes functionality that validates that the medicine, in the appropriate quantities, arrives at 8 specific locations along the shipping route and is confirmed with digital signatures from valid signers.
The distance, environmental challenges and lack of infrastructure often mean that mobile software solutions are the best option for tracking supplies around the world. MobileDataforce is working on many such solutions today.
MobileDataforce Hires Mike Freeman as VP of Sales
Noted Speaker, Sales Leader and Visionary Business Executive Joins MobileDataforce as VP of Sales...learn more
We are growing very fast here at MobileDataforce and we are attracting some very good industry talent to our management team. Mike Freeman, former VP of Enterprise Sales at Palm Inc, will bring a huge amount of talent and expertise to our team.
Welcome Mike!!!
Interesting New Projects
- Time sheets
- Pet vaccination tracking
- Tracking medicine shipping to Africa
- Concrete testing
- Government housing inspection projects
- Subway system switch inspections
- Tracking condom distribution to clinics
- Beverage distribution and promotion system
- Clinical studies on sever spinal injuries
- Electronic Patient diaries for Hemophiliac patients
- ATM repair and maintenance
- Heating ventilation and air condition work orders
- Electric company's work order system
- Oxygen delivery
- Propane delivery
- Medical supply delivery
- Much more...
MobileDataforce's PointSync Mobility Platform is used by companies around the world to mobilize a wide variety of business processes.
Inspection Data Requires Visibility and Handheld PDAs Can Help
Auto & Equipment Auctions and Mobile Handheld PDA Inspection Solutions
MobileDataforce has been working on projects in Europe, North America and in Australia/New Zealand that involve inspecting and appraising automobiles and other equipment for auctions and resale. Think about the environment that these activities take place in - mines, construction sites, storage lots, homes, auto dealerships, etc. These environments require one to collect a great deal of data in the field.
Handheld PDAs and mobile inspection software with wireless synchronization back to an enterprise database application in the office provides a huge amount of value. Let's discuss some of it here:
- Standardized inspection forms on handheld computers can ensure inspections are complete, uniform, accurate and readable.
- Business rules included in the mobile handheld inspection applications can validate that the information is accurate. For example scanning a VIN number on a vehicle can automatically fill out much of the vehicle information automatically and ensure the inspection data matches the vehicle description.
- Real time wireless synchronization means the inspection data can be immediately displayed on a website.
- Digital camera integration with your handheld computer can attach photos to your inspection data for immediate display on a website
- Wireless dispatch means your inspectors can be sent information on where they need to go for their next inspection
- In some cases valuation data can be pre-loaded into the handheld computer and aligned with the data collected from the inspection to provide a near real-time appraisal in the field.
Reporting from the UK - Mobile Automotive Solutions for PDAs, Handhelds and Smartphones
The mobile solution they were demonstrating included a valuation component. A person could scan a VIN code and the description of the car would pop-up and auto fill the the electronic inspection form on the handheld PDA. The dealership would then inspect the car for damage and the final value of the car would be computed from the valuation database and the inspection.
This solution is used for automotive auctions, auto dealers, insurance and automotive lease return companies.
Re-engineering Business Processes with Handheld PDA Solutions
- Companies rarely understand the full extent of the changes mobile software solutions will bring to their organization
- Most mobile software projects start small and have a very limited user base and business focus
- As the users begin to test and adopt the new mobile software solutions, they most often expand the project as they quickly recognize the efficiencies that can be gained by using mobile software solutions that are tied into corporate database applications
- There is usually some point about 80% through the mobile software development project when there is a loud "AHA!" that echos the halls of our clients' offices - they get it. They can see beyond their immediate project to the potential of mobility
- Mobility is a process - a company may start with mobile phones, then move on to email syncing & SMS, then full bi-directional synchronization of corporate data to mobile handheld computers and specialized mobile software applications
- Companies may start with mobilizing their field service technicians, but rapidly expand to mobile CRM, mobile shipping and inventory status, mobile asset management, quality assurance inspections and reporting, real-time mobile business analytics for the management team, route accounting and proof of delivery for the truck (or lorry) drivers. The more the company learns, the more they realize the benefits of mobile data solutions
- If a company has started down the path to mobilizing their operations and business processes, but have chosen to hardcode or custom program each of these processes as separate projects - they will quickly realize their error in not starting with a full mobile software platform
- The mobile software platform - is a server based product that supports a standardized way of designing, developing and deploying multiple mobile software projects in a manner that is easily learned and supported by IT
- Once the mobile software platform (the PointSync Mobility Platform is one option) is in place, all IT developers, consultants and technical support personnel can be trained on the same platform and method for efficiencies and speed of development
- The mobile software platform supports the design, development, deployment, support, version control of applications, publishing of applications to mobile devices, data security configurations, database integrations and much more
The key concept in this process is to start with a mobile software platform - this enables you to build up and support large numbers of mobilized business processes and projects in the same efficient manner. If a company chooses to custom build every project from scratch, the efficiencies of development and support will never be realized.
Handheld PDA Solutions for First Responders and Mobile Business Processes on the Server Side
Last week I visited Patron Systems in Boulder, Colorado. They are a software company focused on law enforcement and public safety. They have sophisticated business processes built into their mobile law enforcement applications that include real-time queries to multiple disparate databases to auto-fill eforms on laptops. Once the data is collected on the law enforcement form, it can be synchronized and routed to a police supervisor for review. It stays in a "work que" until the supervisor either approves or rejects it. If rejected it is returned to the original officer for editing and correction or if approved gets sent to the record management system for storage.
This is an example of how data collected in the field can activate an automated business process/workflow back at the office. The data is routed to a specific location, and a specific person/position to review, make a decision and then act upon. Once there is an item in the work que, the person is notified that there is an action required. This is an important concept - the person does not have to remember, or look things up, they are notified there is work to do. This is "automating" a business processes. If the eform is rejected as incomplete it will be sent back to the original author's "work que" and the officer will be notified. Again the significance of this step is that the workflow/business process will notify an officer in the field that there is additional work required.
The above example of an automated business process demonstrates the ability to start a process/workflow in the field, move the process to the office and then back to the field. This is a "mobile and automated" business process. The more you can define and automate "best practices" the higher quality and better your products and services will be.
Workflows can be automated by using mobile software platforms that are integrated with a central database server. Business rules, triggers and other methodologies and tools can be used to automate your processes on the database.
Automotive Services and Asset Management on Handheld PDAs

Once the inspection is completed the cost of the maintenance or repair can be factored into the final contract settlement. The repair work can also be scheduled and dispatched as well. This is just one example of the multitude of automotive applications we have developed and delivered around the world.
Additional blog articles on mobile applications for the automobile industry can be found here:
Interviews with Kevin Benedict
Kevin's Mobile Retailing News Weekly is an online newsletter that is made up of the most interesting news, articles and links related to...
In this interview, we sit down with Gartner’s Deepak Seth to explore the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its far-re...
In this episode of FOBtv, Jasen Williams, the Global VP of Corporate Marketing at Verint, shares his insights on the evolving landscape of c...