I have long been interested in learning what makes the United States so good at being entrepreneurial, innovative and aspirational. In this article we're going to explore these topics, while at the same time acknowledging there were many inequalities and injustices that restricted opportunities for marginalized groups.
The United States has long been viewed as a land of opportunity, a place where dreams and the entrepreneurial spirit can be realized and fortunes made. But what truly lies at the heart of this "American Entrepreneurial Exceptionalism"? It's not simply the presence of capitalism, rather, it's the unique alchemy that arises from the interplay of capitalism, uniquely American religious theology, the foundational principles of democracy, and the vast, untamed frontier and natural resources that filled many adventurer's dreams.
Imagine a nation founded on the radical idea that all men are created equal, endowed with unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Although incomplete, imperfect and excluding many, it started us on a journey of progress and innovation.