There needs to be a law, like Moore's infamous law, that states, "The more data that is collected and analyzed, the greater the economic value it has in aggregate," i.e. as Aristotle is credited with saying, "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts." This law I believe is accurate and my colleagues at the Center for the Future of Work, wrote a book titled Code Halos that documents evidence of its truthfulness as well. I would also like to submit an additional law, "Data has a shelf-life and the economic value of data diminishes over time." In other words, if I am negotiating a deal today, but can't get the critical business data I need for another week, the data will not be as valuable to me then. The same is true if I am trying to optimize, in real-time, the schedules of 5,000 service techs, but don't have up to date job status information. Receiving job status information tomorrow, does not help me optimize schedules today.

I submit for your consideration yet another law, "The economic value of information multiplies when combined with context, meaning and right time delivery." As we have seen, mobile technologies are critical for all of the laws discussed so far in this article.
Once sensors are deployed, sensor measurements captured, data wirelessly uploaded, and context understood, then business rules can be developed whereby intelligent processes can be automated. Here is an example, workers arrive at a jobsite and this data is captured via GPS sensors in their smartphones and their arrival automatically registers in the timesheet app and their supervisor is notified. As they near the jobsite in the morning, using geo-fencing rules, each worker is wirelessly sent their work assignments, instructions and project schedules for the day. The right data is sent to the right person on the right device at the right time.
The IoT (Internet of Things) is a world of connected sensors. These sensors feed more sources of captured data into the analytics engine that is used to find meaning and to provide situational awareness. If smartphones are mobile sensor platforms, then smartphones and IoT are both peas in the same pod.
Intelligent automated processes, like the ones mentioned above, are called "software robots" by some. These are "aware" processes acting upon real-time data in a manner that supports human activities and increases productivity. Here is what we all need to recognize - mobile applications and solutions are just the beginning in this value chain. Rule: Mobile apps provide only as much value as the systems behind them. Recognizing mobile devices are sensor and reporting platforms that front systems utilizing artificial intelligence and automated processes to optimize human productivity is where the giant leaps in productivity will be found.
If you agree with my premises, then you will understand the urgency to move beyond the simple testing and deployment of basic mobile apps and jump into building the real value in the intelligent systems behind them.
Summary of Laws:
- The more data that is collected and analyzed, the greater the economic value it has in aggregate
- Data has a shelf-life and the economic value of data diminishes over time
- The economic value of information multiplies when combined with context, meaning and right time delivery
- Mobile apps provide only as much value as the systems and intelligent processes behind them
Kevin Benedict
Writer, Speaker, Senior Analyst
Digital Transformation, EBA, Center for the Future of Work
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***Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and digital transformation analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.