Showing posts with label progress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label progress. Show all posts

Future Progress Constrained by Social Media

We all know that the social media complex has problems.  They mess with the mental and emotional health of our children, amplify misinformation, prioritize sensentational information, and distort the world through filtered lenses.  But in addition to all of that, they are slowing our ability to make progress as humans. The following is my personal argument only.

The fundamental principle governing human progress dictates that to maximize individual potential, we must confront and overcome the systemic barriers that limit us. Societal limitations include challenges like climate change, inequality, resource scarcity, and political polarization – all demanding collective action and large-scale reform. Social media, however, is purposely designed to amplify divisive content which is an obstacle to collective, and unified action.

Interviews with Kevin Benedict